Milk part 4
08/28/2018 19:33The milk of righteousness is what gives us strong, healthy teeth and bones. So we can eat the meat of the Word, and so that we can stand firm in who we are and what we have. That's why the milk is for babes: It gives us our foundation. Because you HAVE to start with your identity. "I am the righteousness of God in Christ." Everything else flows from that truth. We aren't sinners trying not to sin. Those who are born of God CANNOT sin. The battle is not supposed to be, "to sin or not to sin." The good fight of faith is laying hold of eternal life. Believing that what GOD says about us is true. And what God says about us is, "You are my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased." What God says--with every beat of His heart in our chests--is, "I love you, I love you, I love you and I can't stop loving you." Stumbling doesn't disqualify you from being loved. Nothing--NOTHING--can separate us from the love of God. If love has conditions, it isn't love. But when we see ourselves as anything less than (one more time) the righteousness of God in Christ, that's when we start to disqualify OURSELVES. We start to listen to the world. And the world screams at us at the top of its lungs saying the opposite of what God says. "You're not good enough. Never have been." But then the world SEEMS to offer us a way out. Like that serpent hissing in Eve's ear. "If you eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil... you'll be like God." That's the lie that the world offers: You're not good enough, but if you do this, that, and the other... eventually you ca make yourself good enough. But, again, that's a LIE. God made you in His image. He lovingly created you just the way He wanted you to be. That old religious saying, "God loves you just the way you are, but He loves you too much to leave you that way," to me, is false. God DOES love you just the way you are. But what He wants is for you to KNOW the way you REALLY are. He wants to reveal your true self to you by revealing Jesus to you. By revealing LOVE to you. And in you. And through you. And as you. Which is why I mentioned the other day that milk goes great with cookies. Because no matter how seasoned we are... no matter how long we've been walking this Way... sometimes we need a nice cold glass of righteousness. NOT self-righteousness, which Isaiah likens to filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6), but TRUE righteousness. Holiness. And just as I've been saying the most righteous thing (perhaps the ONLY righteous thing) you can do is love somebody... the most holy thing (perhaps the only holy thing) you can do... is love somebody. Its all about love. Forgiveness is love. Mercy is love. Grace is love. It's all love. So when we love one another, that's when we let what's (really) inside come out. And I say "really" because what you BELIEVE is inside WILL come out. Even though it may or may not really be in there. You're not a sinner trying not to sin. You WERE a sinner and then, on the cross, you got saved by grace. Which made you something different. A saint. That's who you are. You are--for the last time today--the righteousness of God in Christ. And if you ever start to forget that, get you a glass of milk. Drink it in, man. Its refreshing. It'll strengthen that foundation, and keep what is built on that foundation strong. That's what milk does--it strengthens us. So when you start to lose sight of who you are, get yourself back to basics. Let God define YOU, instead of you trying to define HIM. Let the love that's really inside come out!