
Transition part 4

07/09/2018 19:38

The key is understanding that the Old HAS passed away. The New HAS come forth. The transition is not about "coming out" of anything. Its about understanding what it means to BE out of it. Laying aside the sin (unbelief) and the weight that so easily besetts us. Letting go of the Old so that we can embrace the New. And here's the best way I think I can say it: When you know who you are (who you really are... who you are in Christ, which is who Christ is in you) you can stop trying to be someone you're not. You can stop dragging around the corpse of a dead old man. You can stop trying to earn something that can't be earned. You can, as they say, "Let go and let God." Let go of all of that old stuff that holds you down and trips you up. Let go of all of that old stuff that keeps you from walking in newness of life. And that, by the way, is another key: WALKING in newness of life. Now that the Old has passed away (2,000 years ago on the cross) and the New has come forth... we can't just stay where we were. Or, I should say, we SHOULDN'T just stay where we were. Because we're free now. Free from the religious bondage. Free to run. Free to dance. Free to live and love. Because to live is to love and to love is to live. They're not just connected. They're the same thing. Living IS loving. Loving IS living. And that's the difference between New and Old. Its the difference between life and death. Before the cross we were dead in our trespasses and sins. We couldn't live because we didn't know we were loved. Then, through the cross, God gave us His Holy Spirit--the love receptor. So that we might know the love that always has and always will be there. See, the cross didn't turn is into something that God could finally love. God always has and always will love us. He IS love. The cross turned us into something that could receive His love. Something that could know and believe the love of Christ. Something that could receive and release (receive BY releasing... release BY receiving) His love. Now, because of the cross, because we HAVE transitioned from old to new, we can fill ourselves to overflowing with what we've been filled with. We can let what's inside come out by knowing and believing that its in there. We can embrace who we really are instead of trying to be someone we're not. We can, again, WALK in newness of life. Because charity is love in action. And that's real love. Putting your money where your mouth is, so to speak. Living BY loving. Laying your life down for your friends. Giving everything you have and everything you are. That's the transition--going from trying to get... to giving. And that's what love is: Love is giving. So instead of trying to "be a better" whatever... just give what you've got. That's the New Commandment for the New Man; love one another as Jesus loved you. Let God love you, and love Him back by loving others with that same love. Receive it and release it. Did I mention that already? That's ok. We learn through repetition. What I'm trying to say is... stop trying to transition. Understand that everything that needed to happen has already happened. And just rest in the arms of a loving God who did all the heavy lifting. That's where we'll (probably) be tomorrow. Looking at how God made the transition happen.

Transition part 3

07/08/2018 17:33

Coming out of the old and into the new (out of death and into life) can be hard. It can be painful. Uncomfortable. That's what the people of Israel found out when Moses lead them out of bondage and into the Promised Land. They whined and moaned the whole way. Even to the point of begging Moses to let them turn back and return to their slavery. Because it was the only thing they knew. And, to coin a phrase, sometimes the devil you know is better than the devil you don't. But when it comes to this transition... its not about the devil at all. Not even "New levels, new devils." Whatever that means. Its about Jesus. Period. God in the flesh. Love in a body. God in YOUR flesh. Love in YOUR body. The Old Covenant was about rules and regulation. The New Covenant is the Spirit of the Lord--the Spirit of love. And where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. Freedom. Freedom to be loved, and to love. In fact, that's the New Commandment for the New Man. To love one another as Jesus has loved you. To receive and release the love of God. To receive it BY releasing it. To release it BY receiving it. To fill ourselves to overflowing (so that it comes out naturally) with what we've already been filled with. Sounds simple, right? But its not necessarily easy. Look at what Jesus said in Mark 2:21-22 (NLT), "Besides, who would patch old clothing with new cloth? For the new patch would shrink and rip away from the old cloth, leaving an even bigger tear than before. And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. For the wine would burst the wineskins, and the wine and the skins would both be lost. New wine calls for new wineskins." And here's the deal. Here's the key. Here's the revelation that is (hopefully) going to help with this transition: We are new creatures. We're not trying to buff and polish an Old Man in order to make him look good. That Old Man died in the watery grave of baptism. The second death, when you consider he was dead the day he (Adam) ate from the tree of death (the tree of knowledge of good and evil). So the transition is not even FOR that Old Man. He's gone. The transition is letting him go. Laying aside the sin (unbelief) and the weight (the corpse of who we were before the cross) that so easily besetts us. We aren't trying to force the new into the old. The old has passed away. All things are become new. WE have become, are becoming, and will become new. As we understand and embrace our new (TRUE) identity. Passed out of death and into life. Because of love. Not chasing love, but accepting love. Knowing and believing that we ARE loved. And that we always have been loved and always will be loved. That's what makes this life worth living. And that's what makes it possible to experience Jesus' abundant, everlasting, eternal, Resurrection Life of love by letting Him live it in us, and through us, and as us. We don't try to get people to love us. We don't try to live Jesus' life. Nobody can live His life... except Him. So we let Him live it. God in the flesh--our flesh. Love in a body--our body. And then, when we know that we have love, that we are loved, that we are LOVE... that's when we CAN love. That's when we can give what we've got instead of trying to get something we think we haven't got. That's when we be who we are instead of trying to be someone we're not!

Transition part 2

07/07/2018 19:40

There's a way things were... and there's a way things are. And the thing that happened in between is the cross. Jesus' Six Steps to the Throne where He was Crucified, Died, Buried, Quickened, Raised, and Seated. And not only Him, but us IN Him. Because Jesus didn't just give His life FOR us, He gave His life TO us. He didn't just die (and rise again) for us, He did it AS us. He drew us all into Himself and He planted Himself in us all. And then the seed died, so that it could bring forth much fruit. We are that fruit. The fruit of the Spirit. Which is love. And I said all that to say this: Love is the difference between life and death. If you know that you are loved, you can love. And to live is to love. To love is to live. You can't have one without the other, and you can't do one without the other. Because they are not just connected. They are the same thing. There's a way things were, before the cross, when we were dead in our trespasses and sins. When we were trying to earn our bread by the sweat of our brow, but no matter how close we came to grabbing the carrot, the stick always moved just out of reach. Jesus said it like this, "...One thing thou lackest..." (Mark 10:21). And in that case it was a rich young ruler who not only had a lot of stuff, but had let his stuff have him. He was tied to worldly possesions. And that is the case for some of us. But in other cases it could be a lack of forgiveness. Or a lack of compassion. A lack of empathy. And when it comes to that lack, the only thing that can fill that void is God. Only God can fill a God-shaped void. Only love can fill a love-shaped void. We can't forgive until we know that we are forgiven. Because you can't give what you don't have. And you can only give what you do have. If you're struggling to find something, you surely can't experience it. And you experience things by sharing them. By giving them away. Receiving and releasing the love (and forgiveness, and compassion, and mercy, and grace) of God. Receiving them BY releasing them. Because if you step out and faith and forgive someone, that means (on some level) you know and believe that you are forgiven. Because (one more time) you can't give what you don't have. And you can only give what you do have. We don't do in order to be. We do BECAUSE we be. I remember every Sunday at my old church going through a refrain about God. And the part that really stuck with me said, "I have no lack because my God has no lack." I don't have to earn anything, because everything He has is mine. The ultimate truth of the universe says, "The Father loveth the Son, and hath given all things into his hand" (John 3:35). God is love and He loves you. He has given you everything He is and everything He has. Simply because He loves you and wants you to have it. And here's my thought for today: "We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death" (1 John 3:14). There's a way things were--death. And there's a way things are--life. And the difference... is love. We know that we have transitioned from death unto life because we love. Because we are loved. Because we are love!

Transition part 1

07/06/2018 19:41

To start a new year (the seventh year of daily Rants!) I want to start with the idea of the transition from Old to New. Because even though the cross changed everything--2,000 years ago--we still seem to be stuck in the old, religious mindsets that didn't work for the people of Israel and certainly don't work for us. So basically I want to start with 2 Corinthians 5:17, "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." And there's a lot there. First and foremost the idea of being "in" Christ. Now I've heard a lot of different preaching about this, but as far as I'm concerned... you're in Christ because Christ is in you. When Jesus was lifted up on the cross He drew all men into Himself. Planted Himself in all men. So, to me, we are ALL in Christ. But there's that tiny little word "be" that we have to deal with. Because the truth HAS set you free and made you free... but if you don't know the truth, if you don't know you're free, you'll continue to act like a prisoner. A slave. Its like we were in jail, and Jesus came by and unlocked the door. But WE have to open it. Kind of like in the book of Revelation where Jesus stands at the door and knocks. And we have to open the door. Jesus made the Way of Grace (He IS the Way, the Truth, and the Life) and we respond with the Walk of Faith. Walking on the straight and narrow road that He made for us when He brought the mountains low and the valleys high. And that way, by the way, is called LIFE. HIS abundant, everlasting, eternal, Resurrection Life of love. The reason that road is straight and narrow is because it is love. ONLY love. And while love can take many shapes and forms, love is giving. Giving everything you have and everything you are. So in order to BE in Christ (while we are already IN Christ) is the same idea as BEING transformed (into what we've already BEEN transformed into) by the renewing of our minds. By the transition from Old to New. Old mindsets to New mindsets. Letting the mind of Christ (that's already in us) BE in us... by using it. By knowing the thoughts of God--thoughts of peace and not of evil--and thinking the thoughts of God. What you think, oftentimes, is what you say. Especially for those of us with no filter. So if we think the thoughts of God we will speak the Word of God. Which is Jesus. Which is love. And, better yet, we will preach the gospel at all times, and sometimes even use our words. We will LIVE the life of God by letting HIM live His own life (Because no one can live Jesus' life except Jesus) in us, and through us, and as us. We still stop trying to be someone we're not and we'll embrace who we are. Who we really are. Which is who we are in Christ. Which is who Christ is in us. Old things are passed away. What we need to do is let go of them. Lay aside the sin (unbelief) and the weight that so easily besetts us. Let go and let God, right? Trust Him to be who He is in us... at all times. All things are become new. And that means HAVE become new, are becoming new, and will become new. That means that as we learn and grow in grace and the knowledge of Christ we will become more mature, and we will be able to fully experience the gift of God that we've been given as we give it away. As we receive it and release it. Receive it BY releasing. And if that sounds new and radical... it should. That's the point.

Rally Cap part 5

07/05/2018 19:05

Everybody gets knocked down. Or falls down. Because sometimes its not your fault... but sometimes it is. And either way, when you're down you need someone to help you back up. You DON'T need someone to kick you when you're down. Let me give you an example of it not being your fault. There might be times in your life when someone will throw you under the bus in order to save their own bacon. Its happened to me, personally. And I've found that fighting back can do more harm than good. But if you have someone that knows the truth, and goes to bat FOR you... that's powerful. Someone to put on the rally cap and cheer for their teammates. Not let me give you an example of it being your fault. Again, me personally (and I always try to use myself as an example so nobody else gets offended). There are times when I've gotten myself into trouble by trying to do to much, and letting things (or, unfortunately, people) fall through the cracks. Times when I tried to do everything, and ended up not being able to do anything. Or at least not do anything right. And while being persecuted for righteousness, or being in a situation where its NOT your fault, and then having someone back you up is awesome... there's not a much stronger act of love than helping someone who got themselves into a mess. Because I KNEW it was my fault. And I knew that I deserved what I got. But grace is getting what you don't deserve, and mercy is not getting what you do deserve. Hearing someone say, "You really messed up... but I love you and I'm going to help you," that's about as good as it gets. And that's what I try to teach Logan; don't hide things from me, because if I don't know what the problem is I can't help fix the problem. And remember how we're trying to treat everybody like they're our favorite person in the world? Helping everybody whether they "deserve" it or not? Because deserve's got nothing to do with it. Love is not conditional. You don't have to earn it. And thank God for that because you CAN'T earn it. The gift of God--eternal life, knowing the one truth God (who is love) and the One He has sent... knowing God as Father and ourselves as His beloved Son in whom He is well pleased--the gift of God is just that. A gift. It must be received and released. And we receive it BY releasing it. Letting God love the hell out of us and loving the hell out of each other. Letting God help us so that we can help each other. And God works... through people. So whether its our fault or not, we need to let people help us. Cheerleaders need cheerleaders. We all need each other. We're all in this together. So if someone's willing to help you--a pretty rare thing, to be honest--let them. And if you can help someone... help them. Do what you can do. Give what you've got. Put the rally cap on. I believe the only time you should ever look down on someone is to REACH down and help them up. Everybody gets knocked down. Everybody falls down. Everybody makes mistakes. But a mistake doesn't have to define you. When you fall, or when you get knocked down, you can rise back up again. And that's even easier to do when you have help. When you're GIVING help! We're all on the same team. We're all in this together. So let God love you--through people--and love Him back--by loving people!

Rally Cap part 4

07/04/2018 19:37

A setback is really just a setup for a comeback. So don't give up on people. Put your rally cap on and cheer them on. Help them along. And, at the same time, let others cheer YOU on. Let others help YOU along. Philippians 2:4 says, "Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others." So if I look after you, and you look after me, neither one of us has to worry about ourselves. So being self-centered can go away... when we work together. As the old cartoon says, "Things work out better when we work together." And that's what being Christ-centered is: Being people centered. Because whatever you do to the least of them you do unto the King. How we treat others is how we treat God. We love Him BY loving each other. We do things "for" God by doing things for each other. By taking care of each other... we actually take care of ourselves. Because we are already filled up with God--with His Spirit, His life, His love--so we fill ourselves to overflowing by giving that love away. Sharing the gift we've been given. Not kicking each other when we're down, but helping each other back up. Remember the story of the prodigal son? Where he had to hit rock bottom before he realized it was better to live in daddy's house than try to go it alone? And when he went back, daddy didn't make him jump through hoops. Daddy didn't punish him. Daddy received him with open arms. And not only restored him, but elevated him. I know it hurts when people burn you. Makes you want to stay away from the fire. But if we have a "one and done" mentality where we "forgive" but refuse to forget, where we always keep one weary eye on each other so that we can protect ourselves from getting hurt again... we miss out on so much. Because here's the straight truth: People mess up. Everybody makes mistakes. And if we write each other off we WILL end up alone. And it is not good for man to be alone. Even I, the "antisocial pastor," know that I can't do this life by myself. I need help. And that's not weakness. That's wisdom. Because we're not SUPPOSED to do it by ourselves. We're all in this together. All on the same team. All different members of the same body. And that's important because a big part of rooting for each other is accepting each other. Not for who we want each other to be, but for who we actually are. I don't have the same giftings as you. I can't reach the same people as you. But if we work together we can get it all done. You reach the people you can reach, and I'll do my best to help and support you. And I'll reach the people I can reach as you help and support me. And watch this: Sometimes if you go down swinging you won't go down at all. When you can't hold on... hold on. Realize that God is holding on to YOU. Realize that people care about you. You are NOT alone. Even when it feels like it. Especially when it feels like it. Because God's strength is made perfect in your weakness. When you're at your weakest, that's when He's strongest. When we need Him most that's when He shows up the most. And He shows up... in us. When WE rally around each other. When WE take care of each other. When we hold on to each other. So don't let things get you down. Let people help you up!

Rally Cap part 3

07/03/2018 20:00

Even cheerleaders need cheerleaders. That's my thought for today. Because while Jesus spoke of being nourished by doing His Father's will--by serving people--it can be exhausting. My personal definition of love talks about giving everything you have and everything you are even though it seems like the more you love the less you are loved. And love isn't about getting a pat on the back. Its not about getting anything. Because love is giving. But when you give, and give, and give and feel like you're pouring yourself into a black hole that just takes, and takes, and takes... it can leave you feeling empty. And that goes back to the self-care I was Ranting about not too long ago. About strengthening yourself in the Lord when the people are speaking about stoning you. But even then, it is not good for man to be alone. Its not good to give and give and give until you burn yourself out. You need people in your life. People to encourage you. To edify you. To love you. They say "God works in mysterious ways." I say that's true... because He works through people. And people are mysterious. So while we've been focusing on putting the rally cap on and cheering on people... today I want to talk about LETTING people cheer US on. I don't think asking for help is a sign of weakness. I think it is a sign of wisdom. Because we can't do it all alone. And I'm just talking about the normal every day aspect of making it from the start of the day to the end of the day. That's hard enough to do on our own. But then when you're going out of your way... going the extra mile... giving maximum effort (everything you are and everything you have)... we need to let people in. We need to let people be a part of things. I know for some of us its hard to trust people. The old saying "If you want something done right you have to do it yourself" is a mantra for a lot of people. But I always say, "I can do anything, but I can't do everything." Its not fair for others to expect too much from us, and its not fair for us to expect too much from ourselves. Give yourself a break. Do what you can do, and don't worry about the rest of it. Learn to say no to people. Learn to let people help you. If someone is willing to help you--and, honestly, that's a rare thing these days--let them. And don't make a huge deal about it. Just thank them and do what needs to be done. But don't reject people who are actually willing to help you. Don't slap someone's hand away. Because they might not reach out again. And then you really WILL be alone. Sometimes we think we're alone when we're not. Sometimes we build walls to protect ourselves, but we really just end up isolating ourselves. Its like we think we're all in this together as long as we're the ones doing the helping. But when someone tries to help us, "No, I got it." Even if you DO got it... reaching out isn't the easiest thing in the world for some people. So if they do... let them help. Let them be involved. Whether you need the help or not, maybe they need TO help. So when you see a rally cap, don't try to be a hero. Take the hand that's reaching out to help you up. You'll be better for it, and maybe they will too.

Rally Cap part 2

07/02/2018 19:27

When your team is down in the bottom of the ninth, you flip your cap around and cheer like crazy. Does it actually help? I mean, it surely doesn't hurt. And the point is that you're doing something. Giving everything you've got to try to fuel a comeback. And who doesn't like a good comeback story? Well, the church world, apparently. Religious folk. Because while the party line is forgiveness it seems to come with the idea of, "I forgive, but I'll never forget." And that's not really forgiveness at all. And, listen, you know I preach all the time about not putting (or keeping) yourself in a bad position. I get where the phrase, "Fool me once, shame on you... fool me twice, shame on ME" is coming from. I've been burned before. By someone I knew was going to burn me. Second and third and fourth chances. It gets to be a bit much, right? But when this very sort of question was posed to Jesus is went like this, "Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times? Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven" (Matthew 18:21-22). In other words, don't give up on people. Now, again, should you keep subjecting yourself to the person who keeps doing you dirty? I would advise against that. But people make mistakes. Should you be one and done? I wouldn't advise that either. Because sometimes--not every time--when you give someone another chance they step up. Sometimes when someone is down and you help them up, they are genuinely grateful. And its just what they needed to get back on track. Let me say it another way: Love is longsuffering. Love never fails because love endures. And, like I always say, once you've given something (or someone) everything you've got--which is what love is; giving everything you have and everything you are--its either enough... or its not. And either way, you've done your part. So give people a chance. They might surprise you. Root FOR people, instead of against them. It seems to me like religious folk are AGAINST any and every thing. Like they WANT people to fail so they can say, "See? I knew it. I told you so." And that's why "Christians" seem to have such a bad name. That's why people label "Christians" as judgmental, hypocritical, mean people. Where's the grace to grow? You can't learn from your mistakes unless you make mistakes. And a lot of people are too afraid of failing to do, well, anything really. Or, the other extreme, strict parents produce sneaky kids. Because people are going to do what they're going to do. You can't really stop people from doing what they want, or force people to do what you want. But what you can do is love them no matter what. Help them up when they fall instead of kicking them when they're down. A preacher friend of mine always says, "A setback is just a setup for a comeback." So let's root for that comeback story. Let's HELP with that comeback. Let's stop being against everything in sight and start being for some things. First and foremost, let's start being for each other. We're all in this together. All on the same team. A rising tide raises all ships. Let's rise together!

Rally Cap part 1

07/01/2018 14:41

I want to spend the next few days just really encouraging people. Because, as Rocky Balboa said, "Nobody hits harder than life." We all get knocked down sometimes. But my key verse for this Rant series is Proverbs 24:16, "For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief." Its not about how hard you can hit. Its about how hard you can GET hit and keep moving forward (more Rocky there). And I'm calling this series "Rally Cap" because in sports, when your team is losing, you do everything you can to try to help them win. Including turning your cap inside out. I know it sounds silly, but its really just the act of DOING something to try to help. And I think the world needs more of that. More not caring what people think and more doing whatever it takes to help someone up when they're down. Because the just man rises up every time he falls... but its a lot easier TO rise when someone reaches down and lends you a hand. Its not good that man should be alone, right? No man is an island. We can't do it all ourselves. We're all in this together. So instead of kicking someone when they're down, or crossing to the other side of the street in order to avoid getting tangled up in their problems... we need to start rooting for people. Helping people. Let me throw another memory verse at you. "Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ" (Galatians 6:2). The law of Christ, which is the perfect law of liberty, which says, "Love one another as Jesus loves you." Jesus loved us (on the cross) by giving His life for us, and to us. And He loves us every second of every day by being there for us. He swore He would never leave us nor forsake us. Not when we're at our worst. Not when we're going through stuff. In truth, those times are when we need Him the most. When we need LOVE the most. And even though its popular to say, "God works in mysterious ways," I believe He works through people. Which CAN be mysterious. But I think God reveals Himself--His LOVE--in, and through, and as... people. The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us before the cross. Then, through the cross, the Word took up abode inside us. So the Word is made flesh (in us) every time we act in love (and let what's inside come out). And love is never about getting. Because love IS giving. Bearing other people's burdens. Seeing a need and meeting it. Rooting for people. Helping them up when they fall. Helping them get even higher than they thought possible. Edifying people. Giving them everything you have and everything you are. Not so that they'll give YOU anything, but because you want THEM to have what you've got. One of my favorite song lyrics: "What you got if you ain't got love? The kind that you just want to give away..." So put your rally cap on. Get on other people's teams. Root for them. And if they fall... help them up. We all get knocked down in life. Which means we all need someone to help us up sometimes.

Neighbor part 5

06/30/2018 19:42

I always say, "If you don't know what to do, do what you know." And what we know (hopefully, by now) is love. God loves us, and we love Him back by loving each other. We receive and release His love. That's what its all about. To me, being neighborly. Loving the people that are close to us. And I mean that in the way that you are close to people when you have a good relationship with them... and I mean that in the way that you are physically close to all of the people you encounter in your life. Your neighbor isn't just the person who lives next door. It is whoever crosses your path. Now watch this--and I don't want to get too far into the context and the backstory, I really just want to touch on the phrase itself-- "Cornelius stared hard, wondering if he was seeing things. The he said, "What do you want, sir?" The angel said, "Your prayers and neighborly acts have brought you to God's attention"" (Acts 10:4 MSG). And here's what I have to say about that: I love my kid all the time. Every second of every day. Whether I'm with him or not. Whether I know what he's doing or not. But when I get a good report about him, or (better yet) when I see him do something out of the goodness of his heart... man, that fills up my pride meter. When I see him go out of his way to love someone--to be neighborly--you won't be able to get a smile off my face. So I'm not talking about trying to earn God's love. That's impossible. Because He IS love. He always has loved you and He always will love you. There's nothing you can do to change that. I once heard a preacher say, "God loves you, and there's nothing you can do about it." Perfect. But while that basic level of unconditional love is always present in our lives (if we would just be open to it)... talking to your heavenly Father (prayer), and loving people (neighborly acts), really gets His attention. And, one more time, its NOT about earning anything. But when you do good and someone gives you the old "atta boy," that feels good. When I tell Logan I'm proud of him HIS face lights up. He knows I love him. Always. But in those moments where he goes above and beyond... its above and beyond. Its awesome. Funny too, wouldn't you say, that in the beginning Adam and Eve didn't WANT God's attention? They disobeyed Him and ran from Him. Hiding from His presence. Even though He never said He would punish them. God was trying to warn them that eating from the tree of death (the tree of knowledge of good and evil) would result in death. And, realistically, what else could come from that tree? But the point is, we have this mindset where we think God is out to get us. When, in truth, He got us 2,000 years ago on the cross. He's not mad AT you, He's mad ABOUT you. Head over heels in love with you. And there's nothing that makes a Father happier than seeing His Son (YOU) follow in His foot steps. Or, in this case, His Son (Jesus) making His own foot steps with your feet. We experience the abundant, everlasting, eternal, Resurrection Life of love that IS the gift of God by letting Jesus live it in us, and through us, and as us. We love our neighbors because Jesus lives in our house--in us. HE loves us, and we just let it flow out of us by knowing and believing that it is in there. By filling ourselves to overflowing with what He has filled us with. We get His attention by giving Him our attention. By letting Him love us and loving Him back by loving each other!

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