
Cherish part 1

03/11/2016 10:13

These are some of the things I tell Logan all the time: "If you want to HAVE a friend, you have to BE a friend." And, "If you're not careful with your stuff, you won't have any stuff." And that's what I kind of want to Rant about for the next few days. How we treat the things (people) that are important to us. Because, first off, I think people are really the only "things" that are important. And, secondly, I see it all too often that we take advantage of the people that are willing to do things for us. I absolutely believe that everybody should have at least one person that they're willing to do anything for. And that they should have at least one person in their life that is willing to do anything for them. Call it a best friend, if you will. Or a bff (best friend forever). But I also think we should treat everybody as if we love them. Which, of course, takes a radical understanding of love. Because love is radical. Real, true, agape, lay your life down love. God love. The kind of love Jesus told us about, and then showed us. The kind of love we find in John 3:16, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Not just loving someone, but SO loving them. Loving them SO much that you're willing to give. Like Abraham of old, willing to give that which meant the most to you. Which, of course, was a type and shadow of what God did on the cross. Giving His only begotten Son so that we could all BE His beloved Son in whom He is well pleased. Jesus giving His life for us and giving His life to us. So that we could experience that abundant, everlasting, eternal, Resurrection Life that is the unconditional love relationship between Father and Son. God did it because He loved us. The NLT says it like this, "For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life." He loved us so much that He would rather die than be without us. He wanted us to KNOW and BELIEVE His love... so He proved it to us. He explained that the greatest love a man can have is to lay down His life for His friends. And then He went to the cross and did just that. He gave us something to believe in. He gave us something to share with each other. He gave us Himself. He gave us love. The Holy Spirit. Our love receptor. So that we might receive it and release it. So that we might stop looking at each other as people to take advantage of, and see ourselves as different parts of the same body. And that's my key verse for this Rant series: "For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church" (Ephesians 5:29). When we understand that we're all in this together, all parts of the same body, then the "us vs them" mentality goes away. And we begin to love and cherish each other. Nourish each other. Edify each other. Build each other up instead of tearing each other down. Appreciate and celebrate each other instead of taking each other for granted. Give to each other instead of trying to get from each other. And that, my friends, is what the Kingdom of God (the Kingdom of LOVE) is all about! It's not about what you can get. It's about sharing what you've got. Taking care of people. Knocking down walls and building bridges. Because people are worth it. They really are. They're worth the time and the effort. They're worth cherishing!

To Call part 5

03/10/2016 14:18

Salvation isn't dependent on anything we do. Or anything we could do. Jesus saved us, all on His own. And He did it by giving His life for us and giving His life to us. Being made sin for us so that we could be made the righteousness of God in Him. He did it by transforming us from sinner (unbeliever) to saint (believer). He saved us... from our sins. Basically, Jesus made the Way of Grace. The more excellent way. And here's our part. Our ONLY part. It's called the Walk of Faith. And it doesn't make something that's not true, true. It's makes something that's already true... true for you. That's what the good fight of faith is: Laying hold of eternal life. That's the gift of God and it's a gift that He already gave to us. Salvation isn't something that needs to happen. It's something that already happened. It happened when Jesus cried out from the cross, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." We believed a lie. A lie that said we had to do in order to be. And because we believed that lie, we tried to be someone we thought we weren't by trying to fit our actions into a box. A box defined by external laws. Laws that we couldn't keep for the simple reason that they were external. As a man thinks in his HEART, so is he. Everything real comes from the inside. From the heart. We thought our heart was empty because it felt like there was a love-shaped (God-shaped) hole in it. So God filled that hole by filling us with Himself. By pouring out His Spirit on all flesh. By filling us with the Holy Spirit. The love receptor. So that we could know and believe the truth. So that we could receive (and release) His love. So that we could love Him by loving one another. To me, that's what salvation is. Not trying to get something, but knowing that we have something. Something too good to keep to ourselves. Something that we can't help but share. Because it's not just what we crave, it's what everybody craves. It's the desire of our heart. And when we delight in Him He gives us the desire of our heart. Because when we delight in Him we experience the desire of our heart. And we experience most by sharing it. We feel most loved when we love others. We feel happiest when we make others happy. Calling on the Lord and BEING saved isn't about saying magic words and getting something. It's about filling ourselves with the fulness of what we've been filled with--LOVE--so that it overflows out of us naturally. Focusin on God's love for us, and focusing on our love for other people. We WERE transformed, now we need to BE transformed (into what we were already transformed into). We ARE saved, and now we need to BE saved by calling on our Savior. By partaking of His Divine Nature. By letting what's inside us come out... by knowing and believing that it's in there. Light doesn't shine because you try really hard to make it shine. Light shines because that's it's nature. And as long as it's not hidden deep down under all the surface stuff... everybody can see it shine!

To Call part 4

03/09/2016 12:22

God lives in us. The Kingdom is within us. It's not about something external. It's about what's inside. So when we "call on the Lord" in order to "BE saved" what we need to understand is that all we're really doing is filling ourselves with the fulness of God. He already filled us to overflowing. And all we have to do is believe it. Because when we believe it's in there--when we believe HE, LOVE is in there--that's when it comes out naturally. That's when the salvation (from our sins) that took place 2,000 years ago on the cross manifests with power in our lives. That's when we BE what we are. See, it's about possession. And I'm not about being possesed by something and having our heads spin around like that old movie. I'm talking about possessing something. I'm talking about being gripped by something, and gripping it back. I'm talking about Philippians 3:12, "Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus." Now I'm going to leave the "not perfect" part for now. I've Ranted and preached on it before, and probably will again. But for now I'm focused on apprehending that which we've been apprehended of. Receiving the gift we've been given, if I can say it another way. I'm talking about calling on the name of the Lord, not in the sense that I need Him, but in the sense that I have Him. He's already inside. So by calling on Him what I'm really doing is releasing what's inside. Letting Him take the wheel. Not trying to it all myself, but giving Him room to operate. Not trying to live His life--that's impossible. Nobody can live Jesus' life except Jesus--but letting Him live His life in, and through, and as me. It's not, "Lord, I'm all alone and I need you. Please come save me!" It's, "Lord, let what's in me come out naturally so I can BE saved." We ARE saved, but we need to BE what we are. It's the same idea as BEING transformed by the renewing of our minds. We have BEEN transformed. But we need to BE what we are. We need to start walking in newness of life... by letting HIM walk with our feet. By letting HIM talk with our mouths. We be about our Father's business by letting our Father be about His own business--which is loving others--in, and through, and as us. Presenting our bodies as a living sacrifice and letting Jesus lives His own life in our bodies. That's how we partake of the Divine Nature. That's how we live (or experience) His life. Not by trying to do it ourselves and then breaking the glass when we get in over our heads--and listen, I'm not saying we shouldn't call on Him to save us when we DO get in over our heads. I'm simply trying to present a more excellent way. If Jesus (love) is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, that means we should start with Him. Commit all our ways to Him instead of just calling Him in when we lose our way. Again: Don't ever hesitate to call on Him. He's faithful. He'll answer. But how much better to start with Him and avoid some of those situations altogether? How much better for Jesus--love--to be first choice and not last chance? How much better to BE saved then trying to continually GET saved? What's inside will come out when you know and believe it's in there. And it'll (He'll) come out naturally. All on it's (His) own. Being saved is about experiencing the abundant, everlasting, eternal, Resurrection Life of Jesus. From the inside-out. No matter what's going on around us. Because we are planted on the Rock, and cannot be shaken!

To Call part 3

03/08/2016 10:23

It might seem a little bit tricky. Because to me "calling on the Lord" means receiving the gift you've been given. And a very powerful way to do that is through the waters of baptism. Making that decision and that statement to enter into the covenant that God made with Himself. But I also think we can "call on the Lord and BE saved" in the midst of any particular circumstance. Kind of like that song, "Jesus, Take the Wheel." When things start spinning out of control we can give up our sense of control and let God take over. In other words, "Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need" (Hebrews 4:16). And it always struck me as a little bit funny that we spend so much time and effort looking for things in all the wrong places. Hebrews says it beautifully. Come to the throne of grace to find grace. Where else could you find it? Noah found it in the eyes of the Lord, because He was looking God in the face. That's what we do when we look in the mirror. Because He lives in us. Grace lives in us! So calling on the Lord and being saved isn't so much "He's over there and I need Him over here." It's not about GETTING anything--including getting saved--it's about BEING something. Being what we already are. It's about letting what's already inside fill us to overflowing so it's gets outside. Being planted on the Rock and not letting anything shake us. Knowing who we are and being who we are. No matter what. Boldly. Jesus didn't do things with a spirit of fear. He never worried about if His Daddy would back Him up. In fact, when He was praying out loud He said, "You always hear me, but I said it out loud for the sake of all these people standing here, so that they will believe you sent me" (John 11:42). He wasn't asking in the HOPE that God would answer. He was so secure in His identity, and He was so rooted and grounded in love, that He knew whatever He asked, His Daddy would do. He was about His Father's buisness. And, again to me, that's what calling on the Lord is all about. Being about His buisness. Living a Christ-centered life. Which, of course, means living a people-centered life. Because Jesus also said whatever you do to the least of them you do unto Him. Right? So we focus on God by focusing on people. We love God by loving people. And when we find ourselves in situations that we can't handle (let's be honest, that's all situations isn't it?) we can call on Him. Call on what's inside. And then WE don't have to handle it because HE is handling it in us, and through us, and as us. I don't think calling on the Lord is about saying the secret password and locking up our seat in the afterlife. I think it's about calling on His strength (which is made perfect in our weakness) and living His life by letting Him live His own life in us, and through us, and as us. I think calling on Him is finding grace at the throne of grace to help in times of need. And I think our time of need... is all the time. Not a "break glass in case of emergency" but an attitude of gratitude. A lifestyle of "calling" on Him and BEING saved!

To Call part 2

03/07/2016 11:04

Those who call on the Lord will be saved. Seems pretty cut and dry, right? Profess Jesus as your personal Savior and get into heaven when you die. Or so years and years of religious tradition would have you believe. Like God is a member's only club and you have to say the password or you're doomed to an eternity of fiery torment and punishment. But what if Jesus was more interested in LIFE (and that more abundantly) than afterlife. What if being saved (from our SINS) is about experiencing what is available to us right now. And what if calling on the Lord is simply acknowledging Him in our lives. Giving Him the room to operate instead of trying to do it ourselves. Because I believe (to a point) that God will let us try to do it ourselves, if that's what we choose to do. He was willing to give Israel a human king, even though it wasn't what was best for them, because that's what they had their hearts set on. But I say "to a point" because Jonah got squeezed pretty hard in order to get him on the right path. My pastor sometimes says, "Some are called, and some are cornered." And I'm not trying to say God is a bully. I'm simply saying sometimes it feels like a fire shut up in your bones. And if you don't walk in your calling you can literally burn alive. The good things about THAT is that GOD is the consuming fire. He won't let you be burnt to a crisp, but He WILL totally consume you. What does any of this have to do with our Rant series? I think it's summed up in 1 Corinthians 10:13 (NLT), "The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure." Calling on the Lord and BEING saved--not GETTING saved, because we WERE saved 2,000 years ago on the cross--is about enduring whatever life throws at us. Not taking what life thows at us and trying to do the best we can with it, but instead letting the Kingdom that is within us overflow out of us. Being saved from whatever we're going through. Standing on the Rock and not being shaken. Understanding that sometimes you have to go through this... to get to that. It's a journey. And instead of trying to escape (in the sense of avoiding something) or get saved (again, in the sense of missing out on something) I think we would be much better off understanding, and enjoying, the journey. Finding the beauty--the God, the love--in everything. In every situation. Being Christ-conscious, if I can say it that way, rather than using Him as a "break glass in case of emergency" last resort. Calling on Him to save us by being aware of Him in the midst of... whatever. I start every day by praying, "Daddy I need you." Not because I know specifically WHY I'll need Him, and not because He doesn't already KNOW that I need Him, but as a reminder to myself that no matter what, He's got my back. He stands at the door (of our heart) and knocks, and all we have to do is have a heart that open to love. That's how we let Him in. That's how we call on Him. And that's how we BE saved!

To Call part 1

03/06/2016 11:12

I want to spend a couple of days looking at Romans 10:13, "For whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved." Because I think this verse can be a little confusing. I think this verse has kind of been used to build a doctrine of, "If you jump through this hoop you can get into heaven and avoid hell." Because that's what we generally think of when it comes to "salvation." Right? But hopefully we've at least somewhat dispelled that notion. Jesus came to save us from our sins. And it had nothing to do with our actions. So what are we talking about, "whosoever shall call on the Lord shall be saved"? That makes it sound like if you call on Him--or "accept Him as your personal Savior," or whatever religious catchphrase we use--you're saved... and if you don't, you're not. But If you back up a little bit to verse 12 you see this, "For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him." What Paul was talking about was the universalism (ut-oh... gotta be careful with THAT word, right?) of salvation. Saying it's for everybody. And look at what the word "saved" in Romans 10:13 means. It is number 4982 in Strong's Greek Concordance and it means, "to save, that is, deliver or protect (literally or figuratively): - heal, perserve, save (self), do well, be (make) whole." So instead of a "get out of hell free" card, what I think we're really talking about is that regeneration. That renewal. All things being made new. Newness of life. Abundance of life. My grandma kind of explains it like this: While salvation is already true, in order to experience it you need to receive it. We have been made whole. We are complete in Him. But in order to BE what we are... in order to BE transformed (into what we've already been transformed into) we need a renewing of our mind. And notice I didn't say WE need to renew our minds. That's not something we're expected to do, because it's not something we CAN do. Which is what the next verse in Romans chapter 10 says. Verse 14, "How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?" See, the good news of the gospel is not, "Get right or get left." That's not good news. That's a hoop to jump through. The good news of the gospel is, "We have been reconciled to God through His Son's finished work on the cross." The good news is that there's all this stuff available to us. He did it all so we could get it all, right? And now we have it all. But if we don't KNOW we have it, we can't enjoy it. "Calling on the Lord" and "being saved" is not about a deathbed confession that saves you from a fiery afterlife. It's about acknowledging something that is already true--something that has been true since the foundation of the world--and seeing it manifest in your life. Why beg God for healing when He already gave us divine health? Why beg God for scraps when He already prepared a table for us in the presence of our enemies? Why try to "get more of Him" when He already gave His life for us, and to us? Calling on His name is--to me--just opening the door that He is already knocking on. Not trying to transform, but BEING transformed. Not GETTING saved--because He already sought us out and saved us--but BEING saved. It's hearing the gospel, and then believing it. Letting what is already true... be true for you!

To Save part 5

03/05/2016 14:37

Seeking and saving. Somehow we seem to have gotten the idea that these are things WE are supposed to do. When Jesus said it Himself in Luke 19:10, "For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost." Now look at Titus 3:5-6 in the Amplified, because it's pretty much all I want to say today, and it's exactly how I want to end this Rant series. "He saved us, not because of any works of righteousness that we had done, but because of His own pity and mercy, by [the] cleansing [bath] of the new birth (regeneration) and renewing of the Holy Spirit, Which He poured out [so] richly upon us through Jesus Christ our Savior." He sought us out and He saved us. Not because of anything we had done, or could do. Basically it had nothing to do with our actions, and everything to do with our identity. HIS identity. Father and Son. A Son who was lost and didn't know who He was. Remember in the story of the Prodigal Son? A Son who was dead but is now alive. The new birth. The regeneration. The renewing. What--mostly--Revelation 21:5 is talking about when Jesus declared, "...Behold, I make all things new..." The new things that He made... were me and you! A new creature. A new man. When Jesus was on the cross the thief (who I believe represents Adam) asked Jesus to remember Him. Not just to not forget him, but to re-member him. Put him back together. And that's what Jesus did when He poured out His Spirit on all flesh. He put us back together... in Him. He saved us from the "Adam-life" by drawing us into Himself and planting Himself in us. By dying in order to bring forth a great harvest. Again, the new birth. Born from above. If a seed can only produce it's own kind--if an apple seed can only make apples--then the Adam seed (the corruptible seed) could only make Adams. So even though we were created in the image and likeness of God, we were trapped in the realm of the senses. What we could see with our natural eyes. We were trapped in the bondage of sin and death. And we needed to be saved. Not from some fiery afterlife if we don't do enough good--or say the right "magic words"--before we die... not my might, or by power, but by His Spirit He saved us from "life as we knew it." And He gave us HIS life. Abundant life. Eternal life. Everlasting life. Resurrection Life! He didn't just give His life for us, He gave His life TO us. We died when He died, and that's how He separated us from sin and death. And we rose again when He rose again. That's how He filled us to overflowing with the Holy Spirit. The love receptor. See, the cross didn't change us into something God could love. He already loved us. God didn't make all new things. He made all things new. He equipped and empowered us to RECEIVE His love. To know and believe that He loved us. He defeated the lie by giving us something--someONE, Himself, love--to believe in. He sought us out when we were stumbling around in the dark. And He shined His light. Helping us to see that WE are the light of the world. His light shines in us. His love fills us to overflowing and gets all over everybody we come into contact with. Seeking and saving was Jesus' mission. And He accomplished what He set out to do. He saved us. Cleansed us. Regenerated and renewed us. He did it all so we could get it all. And now we have it all because we have His Spirit. The Spirit of love that allows us to love others as He loves us!

To Save part 4

03/04/2016 10:48

Salvation. It means a lot of things to a lot of people. But to me, as I meditate on Jesus and why He came, I find that linking two verses together really helps me put it together. First, our key verse for this (and the previous) Rant series. "For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost" (Luke 19:10). And as far as I'm concerned, it's the "that which was lost" part that shines light--the light of the world--on the subject. He didn't come to save that which was damned. He didn't come to save us from hell. He came to save us from our sins. He came to save us from BEING LOST. From unbelief. From believing the lie that says we have to do in order to be. And that brings me to my other verse. "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly" (John 10:10). He came to seek and to save that which was lost. And He came that we might have life, and have it more abundantly. Being lost doesn't mean you're on the highway to hell. It means you're dead. See, Jesus didn't come to make "evil" people "good." He came to make dead people alive. He came that we might have life. REAL life. HIS life. Abundant, everlasting, eternal, Resurrection Life. And that's what He gave us when He saved us. He gave His life FOR us, but He also gave His life TO us. He became sin so that we could become the righteousness of God in Him. He cast death and hell into the lake of fire--which is God. God is the consuming fire--He died so that we could do. So that we could be dead to sin. He told us (and showed us) the truth so that we could stop believing the lie. And He IS the truth. LOVE is the truth. A loving heavenly Father and His beloved Son in whom He is well pleased. That's what everlasting life IS. Love is what makes the abundant life... abundant. Knowing who God really is is what let's us know who we really are. And when we know who we really are (Jesus: God in the flesh, love in a body) we can stop trying to be someone we're not. We can stop with the works and labor--that don't work--and we can start to rest. We can stop looking for love in all the wrong places. We can stop trying to GET something, and we can start sharing what we have. Once we understand that we are connected to the source of love, the God who IS love, we can let that love fill us to overflowing and we can love others as Jesus loves us. We can, in a sense, save others... because Jesus saved us. We can open the eyes of the blind. We can remit people's sins. We can set people free. We can stop seeking for something we think we don't have, and we can stop trying to save ourselves. We can start sharing what we do have because JESUS sought us out and saved us. He did it all so we could get it all. And now we have it all. Now we can enjoy what we've got. Share what we've got. Now we can truly live a life of love. Being loved and loving others. Saved, or made whole, in every aspect of our lives. And filled to overflowing so that it gets all over everyone we come into contact with!

To Save part 3

03/03/2016 15:33

When we're talking about salvation I think it's so important that we really get away from all of the heaven and hell talk. Because as far as I'm concerned, "...death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death" (Revelation 20:14). And just as a real quick aside, if hell was cast into the lake of fire (which is God, right? God is a consuming fire.) then hell can't BE a lake of fire, right? Anyway. That's a pretty big can of worms. And what I want to focus on in this Rant series is the truth that Jesus came to seek and save that which was lost. Before the cross we were lost. Because it was dark and we couldn't see. We didn't know who we were, or where we were, or why we were created. We tried to do the best we could with what we had, but we didn't think we had anything. We were always trying to earn something. And the tragic part about that is, the thing we so desperately desired is not something that can be earned. It is a gift. And as such it can only be given, and received. We thought we were seeking something, trying to save ourselves. But we had it backwards. Because (again) it was JESUS who came to seek and to save US. He did it all so we could get it all. So we could begin to experience and enjoy what we have. What He gave us when He gave His life for us, and gave His life to us. And to me, more than anything else, that's what salvation is. Being saved from the struggle. From the "Adam life" if I can say it that way. Being saved from the lie that says we have to do in order to be. The lie that says we aren't good enough, but if we work hard enough maybe someday we'll get there. I once heard a preacher say, "The devil doesn't care what you believe, as long as it's not right now." And I feel about the devil about the same as I feel about hell--over and done with--but I understand the idea. If everything's out in our future then we can't experience it or enjoy it right now. It's like we've made the afterlife so important we've forgotten about ETERNAL life. Something with no beginning or end. Jesus, in other words. The Alpha and the Omega. And, when we stop waiting for what already happened to happen, we see that He's the beginning, the end, and everything in between! We see that salvation was more than just a "get out of hell free" card. It was the total and complete healing of our body, soul, and spirit. We are complete in Him. Already. Because of what HE did for us (and as us) on the cross. He sought us out and saved us. Shined the light of the world and revealed to us that we ARE the light of the world! Salvation is about the end of the struggle. The end of being lost. "I once was lost, and now I'm found," right? Found in Him. Because I found Him in me. Because I stopped looking (seeking) outside of myself and started to seek the Kingdom. Looking inside and finding the righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost that IS the Kingdom of God! Jesus said He came that we might have life, and have it more abundantly. That's what it's all about. Life... love...

To Save part 2

03/02/2016 14:45

Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost. Us, in other words. We were lost. Which doesn't mean damned. It doesn't mean we were on the highway to hell and had to do something ourselves to get off it. It means we didn't know where we were. Or who we were. Or why we were created. So Jesus came. And when He came we weren't even looking for Him. We were hiding from His presence because we thought He was mad at us. We were sinners (unbelievers) and that's WHY Jesus came. To save us from our sins. To save us from unbelief. To show us that God's not mad AT us, He's mad ABOUT us. To show us who we are, and where we are, and why we're here, by showing us who HE is. Revelation is not about figuring God out. It's about letting God reveal Himself (get it) to us, and in us, and through us, and as us. It's not about seeking Him, but understanding that He sought--and found--us. Remember in Song of Solomon? Draw me, and we will run to you. Jesus said, "For no one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them to me, and at the last day I will raise them up" (John 6:44 NLT). We can't come to Him unless He draws us. We can't love until we understand that He first loved us. We can't save ourselves. But He saved us. Look at what Jesus cried out on the cross--and I believe He was talking about the people who we physically there crucifying Him, but I also believe He was talking about all of humanity-- "...Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do..." (Luke 23:34). We were trying to do the best we could with what we had, but we didn't KNOW what we had so we didn't know what we were doing. Trying to save ourselves by keeping a Law that could not be kept. Trying to earn something that can't be earned. The GIFT of God is eternal life, and a gift can't be earned. It can only be freely given, and received. We call Jesus our Saviour, and yet we think salvation comes from US doing something. We still seem to think that if we could just eat enough fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil we could do good and stop doing evil. Then we'd be accepted. We still seem to think that what we be comes from what we do. But that's backwards. What we do flows from who we be. We don't work in order to get saved. We work because we ARE saved. And because we ARE saved we work from a posture of rest. Faith without works is dead, but that's because faith compels you to share what you've got. Receive it... and release it. Recieve it BY releasing it. We were lost. Stumbling around in the dark with the blind leading the blind. And then Jesus sought us out and saved us... from being lost. He shined His light and showed us that we ARE that light. He loved us, so that we could love Him, and love each other. Love Him BY loving each other. And to me, more than anything else, that's what salvation is. We have been saved from our sins. Saved from the lie that says we have to do in order to be. Saved from the lie that says we are unworthy of love, and have to earn it! Daddy loves us. And knowing this empowers us to love. To live!

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