Maturation Process part 1
11/12/2015 11:12I Rant, and preach a lot about how we don't need to change. About how God loves us just the way we are. But it's pretty clear that we DO change, isn't it? I'm not who I was ten years ago. I'm a completely different person. Not because I'm TRYING to be different... but just because I'm learning and growing every day. See, it's not that a change is required. It's that a change took place. On the cross. And that change is being revealed to us--and in us, and through us--as we partake of this never ending journey of a everlasting life. And make no mistake, a change took place. A big change. From death to life. Before the cross we WERE dead in our trespasses and sins. We were under the power of darkness. We couldn't see clearly, and so we stumbled around trying to do the best we could with what we had. The problem was that we didn't KNOW what we had. We were trying to do in order to be. And that is nothing but a receipe for disaster. We were trying to be someone we weren't. Trying to CHANGE from "evil" to "good." Trying to be like God. But, as we well know, we were already like God. Made in His image. The change that needed to happen--that happened on the cross--was that we were CONFORMED to the image of God's Son. Jesus came to SHOW US the Father. To show us... ourselves. So the "change" isn't change at all. It's a revelation of the change that took place. And it's a journey. Look at Colossians 1:10 in the NLT, "Then the way you live will always honor and please the Lord, and your lives will produce every kind of good fruit. All the while, you will grow as you learn to know God better and better." Learning and growing. That's the most important thing. That's what I stress with MY son, and I believe that is what the Father wants to stress with us. (Not stressing out about it, of course. But walking--step by step--in faith.) Learning and growing. Maturing. BEING who we are even as we discover who we are. And we discover who we are by discovering who Jesus is. He is the Truth. What's true about Jesus is true about you. He is our true identity. The inner man. The hidden man of the heart. He is the love that fills us to overflowing, and flows out naturally. So when we speak of things like perfection, and maturity, completeness... we have to understand that we are starting at the end. We ARE complete in Him. We ARE perfect, and mature. Even as we learn what it MEANS to be complete, and perfect, and mature. When we look in the mirror with an unveiled face we see the glory of God and we are changed into that same image FROM glory TO glory. We start at glory. We start at perfect. Then we learn what it means to BE perfect, as we learn about the perfect one. Psalm 37:37 spells it out, "Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace." We don't TRY to change. We simply mark the perfect man and SEE the change that took place! That's the maturation process. That's how we BE who we are. Not by trying to be someone we're not. But by learning and growing!