Consequences part 4
03/10/2020 20:12Let me drop my memory verse and then we'll get into it. Because I think we have a very misguided notion of what it means. Ok. "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that she he also reap" (Galatians 6:7). I think for the longest time we've always taken that to mean, "If we sin God will punish us." That's always been the "religious" concept of sowing and reaping. But here's the deal: God set up certain rules and principles when He created the world. (And before we go any further, I do want to say that God "breaks" His own rules whenever He feels like it. Multiplying the loaves and the fish, for example. Or walking on water. He's the boss. The Creator. He does what He wants.) But when we're talking about God not being mocked that doesn't mean, "God won't let you get away with anything. If you mess up He's going to get you." It means those principles He set forth are solid. What you sow is what you reap. Think about it. You can't plant an apple seed and expect an orange tree to sprout up. That's not the natural (or Divine) order of things. You can't mock what has been set forth. A seed produces after it's own kind. Now look at the very next verse, Galatians 6:8, "For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting." This isn't talking about God punishing people. It's talking about what you magnify in your life manifesting in your life. It's talking about the natural consequences of our actions. Like God told Adam, if you eat from the tree of death you will surely die. That's not God punishing anybody. That's common sense. What else could come from the tree of death BUT death? And, in the same manner, what else can come from the Tree of Life but life? If you life to people... sowing dishonesty and mistrust... you will reap what you sow. Not because God is throwing lightning bolts from some cloud somewhere. But because in this life you get what you pay for. For the most part. From people. If you lie to someone, chances are they won't trust you next time. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on ME. Once you've been burned you tend to stay away from the fire. And I say that that's what you get from people because even though we have this twisted idea of an angry God who only wants to punish us... in reality He always bends over backwards to spare us. Be it an entire system of animal sacrifice, or the culmination of that on the cross with the Lamb of God taking away the sin of the world. He has always been more interested in protecting us and helping us. Guiding us towards those good consequences that comes from charity--love in action. Shining the light of the world on us, and in us, and through us, and as us, so that we can see clearly and so that we can help others see clearly. Lighting our path so that we won't stumble or fall. And picking us back up if and when we do. Consequences are what happens whenever we do anything. Punishment isn't even in the equation. When God chastens and corrects us, that's not because He's mad. It's because He wants what's best for us. Because He loves us. So you reap what you sow. Always. But that doesn't have anything to do with God punishing anybody.