Schism part 4
07/24/2019 19:44A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways. When you're pulled in two different directions, always stuck in the middle, you need to choose a side. My memory verse for today is Philippians 2:2, "Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind." Think about it for a minute: If you're a parent with more than one child--or even with a child that is in proximity with another child--you want your kids to get along. You want there to be peace and harmony. You don't want fussing and fighting. I remember in a movie one time some kids were going a little wild and the dad goes, "Keep it to a dull roar." Just deadpan. Because at that point, that was the best he could hope for. But being likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of mind, makes your heavenly Father happy. Why wouldn't it. I believe that God's Word for us is, "You are my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased." Because when God looks at you, He sees Jesus. And when God looks at Jesus, He sees you. But the only way that we can have that unity with each other--the only way we can get rid of the schism, the divide--is to let the mind of Christ that is already in us BE in us. The only way that we can be at peace (with ourselves or with each other) is to let God's love fill us up to the point that what we are already full of comes out. Naturally. And, listen, there are people out there that you don't get along with. That's just life. That's just how things are. There's an old wrestling manager, Brother Love, who would always say, "I love you... but that doesn't mean I like you." Now I believe that loving people--truly giving them everything you are and everything you have--really blurs the line between liking and not liking them. Its hard not to like someone that you love. Because loving people is all about giving. It's not about getting. If your goal is to get something from someone, then your goal is twisted around. Backwards. The best way to feel love is to give love. Love is what brings us and binds us and keeps us together. Love is the bridge that crosses the divide. And its not about making people think the way we think. Or act the way we act. Its about me lining up with Jesus, and you lining up with Jesus, and in that, us lining up with each other. In the only way that really matters. We don't have to look the same, sound the same, BE the same. Love is what matters. Loving each other is the only way to connect on a real level. If we want to make God happy... its pretty simple: Let Him love you and love people with that same love. Let God fill you up with His love and let it out. Love Him back by loving people. Receive and release God's love. That's the secret. The key to life. Because living is loving. Loving is living. They aren't just connected. They are the same thing. You can't have one without the other, and you can't do one without the other. Love is the only thing that we can ALL agree on. Because love is the only thing we ALL want, and need, and desire. So, in having it, we must share it. Love is giving. Give yourself the opportunity and the ability to be stable. Let love stabilize you!