Thanks, bro! The encouragement is always greatly appreciated. I'll have to check your youtube stuff out for sure. Amen!
Date: 09/23/2012
Subject: Great!
First time viewer of 'Jesus Rant'. Congratulation's on your first book!
Date: 08/31/2012
Subject: Great
Great job Pasort T. Enjoyed reading the sneak peak. I am proud of you. I hope the book is a great success!
Date: 08/29/2012
Subject: Great Blog
Tom - Awesome blog. Between this blog and your regular facebook posts, you are truly using social media for the glory of God. Very inspiring and encouraging. Praise God for men of God like yourself.
Date: 09/10/2012
Subject: Re: Great Blog
Just doing what I can do. Using what's available. Thank you for the encouragement!
Date: 08/18/2012
Subject: Book
Ahh! Such a good sneak peak...can't wait till I can read the whole thing!!!
Date: 07/18/2012
Subject: So wonderful
Tom, I am amazed at how you have transformed from that WWF magazine reading, star wars video game playing kid I used to know into a true man of God. I know first hand how hard it is to keep on the path, I could never express how proud I am of you , and how much you have meant to me in my life..
Keep on doing what you do, because quite frankly, you do it VERY well.
Sometimes the best part of any media is truth, and you have that down.