The Rant

A former co-worker coined the phrase when I offered to let her listen to one of my sermons on CD. She said, "Sure, I'll listen to Tom rant about Jesus." At first it sounded funny, but the more I thought about it the more it seemed to fit. That's what we, as preachers, pretty much do. We rant about Jesus. In 1 Corinthians 2:2 the Apostle Paul says, "For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified." That's it. Jesus. Who He is, and what He did, and what it means for us. That's my job, or calling, or anointing. To preach Christ. Jesus is in every book of the Bible. The entire volume speaks of Him. If you don't see Jesus, you're looking at it wrong.

So that's what I'm going to continue to do in this forum: Rant about Jesus.

My hope is to Rant every night by 9:00 pm, so check daily for new blogs.


Peacemaker part 4

03/11/2018 19:52
You can't make peace unless you have peace. That's what I was trying to say yesterday. Because, as always, you can't give what you don't have. And you can only give what you do have. And here's the thing: We're effected by other people. We feed off of each other. If someone's running around like a...

Peacemaker part 3

03/10/2018 19:16
Peacemakers will be KNOWN as the Son(s) of God, because God IS our peace. And what's inside comes out. When you know and believe its in there. Look at Philippians 4:5-7 (NAS), "Let your gentle spirit be known to all men. The Lord is near. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and...

Peacemaker part 2

03/09/2018 07:18
Peace is not just the absense of war. It is the presence of love. That's why, when we see in Matthew 5:9, "Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God," its important to catch that word "called." Because we ARE the Son(s) of God. That's the truth of the matter. But...

Peacemaker part 1

03/08/2018 19:49
Have you heard the phrase, "Keep your words soft and sweet, because you might have to eat them"? I think about that a lot. Not because I'm afraid of what I say coming back to bite me, but because I'm a pretty quiet guy. So if I AM going to say something, I want it to be edifying. Or, at the very...

Trust part 5

03/07/2018 19:45
I've been mentioning this verse for a while, might as well quote it and dive into it, eh? "For what if some did not believe? shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect? God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy...

Trust part 4

03/06/2018 19:50
Obedience is a trust issue. Because the thing we are supposed to obey is the New Commandment. Which goes like this: "A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another" (John 13:34). Which really makes it pretty simple. Receive and...

Trust part 3

03/05/2018 19:54
The hardest thing, in my opinion, about trust is that once its broken it can never completely be put back together. That's why I stress so hard to my son that, "If you always tell me the truth, I'll always believe you." Once that doubt sets in its hard to root it out. Burn me once, shame on you....

Trust part 2

03/04/2018 19:51
If you trust someone, you'll do what they say. Obedience is as simple as that. We don't do it because we're trying to get something, or earn something. We do it because we know and believe our heavenly Father has our best interests at heart. That while we may THINK we know what to do... most of the...

Trust part 1

03/03/2018 18:33
I think sometimes I repeat themes (and perhaps even titles) for these Rants... but I took to heart the advice my pastor gave me a long time ago: Preach it until your heart is empty of it. And these themes are the ones that I'm full of. The ones that can't help but overflow out of us. So if I've...

Purified part 5

03/02/2018 20:01
The fire in you is ALWAYS hotter than the fire you're in. That's why the three Hebrew boys weren't burned up when they were thrown into the fiery furnace--they were purified, and their bonds were burned off, but they came out smelling like roses. They weren't consumed by what was going on around...
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06/09/2014 13:05
The Answer Trilogy is done! EPIC (Eternal Purpose In Christ) is now available at ! The e-book version is available for Kindle! Identity Crisis tells us who we are (Jesus, not Adam). Six Steps to the Throne tells us where we are (the Promised Land, the Kingdom of God). And now EPIC...

Six Steps to the Throne

01/19/2013 12:09
My new Jesus book, "Six Steps to the Throne," is available now in the store section and on! It is a look at how we got to where we are in Christ. Jesus took Six Steps to the Throne (Crucified, Died, Buried, Quickened, Raised, Seated). This book will look at each step, and then it...

Identity Crisis

11/09/2012 15:39
My first book, Identity Crisis, is available now in the Store section, on, and in e-book form for Kindle, Nook, and iTunes iBooks. Identity Crisis tells us who we really are. It is a necessary book for anyone who has ever wondered why they're here or what their purpose is.

Book Excerpt

08/16/2012 17:28
Just a teaser... the first few pages of chapter 1 of Identity Crisis! Enjoy! Chapter 1. Two Men             1 Corinthians 15:44-49 says, "It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a...


Amazon Author's Page

12/26/2020 20:16
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