Abba part 2
Abba. Father. A term of endearment. A term of intimacy. A term of love. Available to us through the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of truth. The Spirit that leads and guides us into all truth. The love receptor. The Spirit of God's only begotten Son so that we might know that we ARE God's Son. So that we might know that God IS our Father. Because out of all the pictures of God in the Bible... that's the one Jesus focused on. He said no man comes to the FATHER but by Him. He told Phillip if you've seen Jesus you've seen the FATHER. Jesus came to shine the light of the world and show us who God is. And who He showed us was a loving heavenly Father. So that we might move out of religion--out of trying to please an angry, distant taskmaster--and move into relationship. So that we might KNOW God instead of merely knowing ABOUT Him. So that heart knowledge might trump head knowledge. I looked up the word, "Abba" in Galatians 4:6, "And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father." It is number five in Strong's Greek Concordance and it literally means, "Father." Which led me to look up the word, "Father." It is number 3962 in Strong's Greek Concordance and IT literally means, "Father." So. We are able to cry out, "Daddy... Daddy..." Like a small child. Which makes sense when you consider Luke 18:16-17, "But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein." And, listen, I know that yesterday we touched on the theme of adoption--being PLACED in the family as being given responsibility in the family business. I know when Jesus was just a boy He said He needed to be about His Father's business. I get that. I understand the journey of maturity. Growing into who we are. But there's also a very important aspect of trusting God with childlike faith. Knowing and believing your heavenly Father has you covered. Not trying to earn anything, but simply receiving what Daddy gives you. Receiving it, and releasing it (that's the maturity part right there. Sharing what you've got). It's the Father's good pleasure to give His children the Kingdom, right? So we HAVE it. But if we're trying to earn something we already have what we're really doing is robbing ourselves from experiencing it. Robbing ourselves from enjoying it. When you give a child a gift he starts playing with it. He doesn't worry about if he "deserves" it. He doesn't worry about if he's earned it. He just receives it. Childlike faith. "Daddy loves me and He always takes care of me." It's not man-centered, performance-based religion. It's an unconditional love relationship between Father and Son. And we CRY OUT, "Daddy, Daddy." We can run TO Him instead of running FROM Him. We can cry out when we need Him. (But that's for tomorrow.)