Abundantly part 5
Living out of your abundance is living from a posture of rest. Not chasing things you haven't got, but sharing the thing (love) that you have got. And in sharing it... experiencing it. That's how you truly live. That's how you enjoy the gift you've been given. I've mentioned this quote before but I want to use it again here: "The past is history. The future is a mystery. All we have is right now, and that's why its called the present." Its a gift. The gift of God. Eternal life. Knowing the one true God (love) and the One whom He sent (Jesus. God in the flesh. Love in a body. God in YOUR flesh. Love in YOUR body). Experiencing that relationship between Father and Son. Knowing God as loving heavenly Father. Knowing yourself as His beloved Son in whom He is well pleased. Because until you know who you are--by knowing who God is--you'll always try to be someone you're not. Until you know what you've got--your heavenly Father's love--you'll always try to get what you think you haven't got. Because either way Christ's love controls us. Either we do everything we do in order to get it... or we do everything we do in order to share it. One is Old Covenant. The lie that says you have to do in order to be. The other is the New Testament. The very blood of Christ running through our veins. The DNA (Divine Nature of the Almighty) of our Father. God's heart beating with love in our chests. No longer doing in order to be... but doing BECAUSE we be. Doing because its in our hearts to do it. LOVING because its in our hearts to do it. Laying our lives down for our friends. Giving everything we have and everything we are and not worrying about whether it's received or not. The key is for US to receive it. Receive it and release it. Receive it BY releasing it. And to me its really kind of simple. As always, I say "simple" not "easy." Because all you have to do is see a need and meet it. If you have two coats and someone doesn't have a coat... give them one of yours. Don't overextend yourself and freeze to death because now YOU don't have a coat, but live out of your abundance. Do what you can do. And don't worry if it seems like a small things. Because the small things are the big things. It might not mean much to you--giving away the cookie you've been looking forward to eating all day--but it might mean the world to someone who doesn't have anything at all to eat. So just do what you can do. Be you. Stay in your lane and walk according to your calling. Don't try to be someone you're not. Don't try to get something you think you haven't got. Know and believe that you are who you're supposed to be. Know and believe that you have everything you need. Because God the Father gave it to you. Because He wanted you to have it. And now that you have it... use it! Let the mind of Christ (that's already in you) BE in you. Let God love you, and love others with that same love. Like I said: Simple. And when you know who you are and when you know what you've got... it becomes effortless. Natural. Because love IS our new (TRUE) nature. So stop trying so hard and just be still and know that He is God. Be still and know that God is love. Be still and let what's inside come out. Fill yourself to overflowing with what you've been filled with and WATCH it come out!