Beginnings part 5

05/31/2018 19:46

The idea behind this Rant series was to not despise small beginnings. To understand that where you're at isn't where you will be at. You're not stuck. Your story isn't written. But it kind of morphed--as they often do... I don't write because I think I know everything. I write in order to try to understand--into the truth that in the beginning... there was love. That's where we start. That's why God allows U-turns; because He loves you. That's why God does everything He has ever done or will ever do; because He is love and He loves you. So lets begin our new beginning (even if its small) with love. Look at 1 John 2:7, "Brethren, I write no new commandment unto you, but an old commandment which ye had from the beginning. The old commandment is the word which ye have heard from the beginning." Remember the Word? Jesus. Love. Even when Jesus speaks of the "New" Commandment its really a return to the way things were in the beginning. The way things were always meant to be. And, listen, Adam eating from the tree of death (the tree of knowledge of good and evil) didn't surprise God. He didn't need to whip up a plan B to fix things. It was all part of the plan. So that, at the appointed time, He could reconcile us to Himself. Psalm 90:3 says, "Thou turnest man to destruction; and sayest, Return, ye children of men." The choice was never, "Stay in the garden of Eden or leave." The choice was what to do AFTER leaving (or being cast out... which sounds harsh, but was really in our best interests, because God didn't want man to eat from the tree of life in the "fallen" state of spiritual death. He was, as always, looking out for us and protecting us. But I digress). The choice was (and is) keep going ahead, trying do the best we can on our own... or return to Him. And since He has sworn to never leave us nor forsake us, that's a short trip. Whosoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved, right? And I've always thought that was more of a "break glass in case of emergency" type of deal. When you need a Savior... who you gonna call? When you're in over your head, remember who can help you walk on water. When you feel like you're at the end of your rope and you can't hold on... realize that HE is holding on to YOU and will NEVER let go. Because its all about love. God IS love. Your story started with love. You were created because of love. Because the God who is love wanted to express Himself. To you, and in you, and through you, and as you. So if you don't like where you're at... do something about it. Life is all about choices. What you believe flowing out of you through what you choose to do. The Word becoming flesh every time you act in love. The love inside you coming out as you know and believe that its in there. My mom has a coffee mug that says, "My love story begins now." And that's all I've been trying to say. If you guard your heart--by keeping it open to love instead of closing it down because you've been hurt--you can experience Jesus' everlasting, eternal, abundant, Resurrection Life of love as He lives it (one more time for this Rant series) in you... and through you... and as you. So take that baby step. Don't despise a small change. Because a tiny snowball rolling downhill just gets bigger and bigger and bigger. Follow your heart. Trust your gut. You're not stuck. God allows U-turns. Go for it!