Believeth part 5
When you know something, you can believe it. And when you believe it, it manifests in your life. Again, I'm talking about just any old think. I'm talking about one of two choices. Either what the world screams at you from the top of it's lungs... or the Word of the Lord. Either the lie... or the truth. You can't say, "I know I'm a millioniare... I believe it!" and then expect money to appear in your bank account. And, by the way, even though I tend to use that "bank account" example... being blessed has very little (but A little) to do with money. God does tend to make his people rich, and there's nothing wrong with that. There's nothing wrong with having stuff. The problem is when stuff has you. But I digress. The point it, just saying you believe something isn't enough. You have to know it. With a knowledge that passes knowledge. A heart knowledge, rather than a head knowledge. An experiential knowledge. Like the Roman soldier who, when he SAW Jesus crucified KNEW that Jesus was the Son of God. And that's when it gets real. When it gets past the head--I think a lot of times things either get stuck in our head and we dwell on it to much, overthinking it... or it goes in one ear and out the other--and into the heart, that's when the truth becomes true for YOU. The truth is the truth. Always has been and always will be. God loves you. He always has and He always will. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. But if you don't know He loves you you'll go looking for love in all the wrong places; instead of going to the source. You'll run FROM God instead of running TO God. You'll try to earn something that can't be earned instead of resting, and receiving it, and releasing it. That's the power of belief. When you know what you've got you can experience it. You can give it away. Share it. And in that way manifest it in your life. I think things are more real when you share them. More fun too. And especially when we're talking about love (and when are not talking about love) the whole purpose of our creation was so that we could be loved and love each other with that same love! The entire point of our being is to know and believe the love of God. Because when you know it and believe it you fill yourself to overflowing with what you've been filled with. That's the secret. That's the key. I said earlier trying to earn something that can't be earned is pointless. Now get this: What you're looking for (love) is already inside you! You don't have to "get it" because you already HAVE IT. All you have to do is let it out. And notice I didn't say "force it out." I said LET it out. Like... let this mind of Christ (that's already in you) BE in you. It's already there. That's why the voice of God--the Word of the Lord--comes in a still, small voice... from deep inside! It's your heavenly Father saying, "I love you," with each and every beat of His heart in your chest. It's the ultimate truth of the universe: The Father loveth the Son and hath given all things into His hands. Daddy loves you. You have everything you could or will ever need. He did it all, so you could get it all. And now you have it all. Receive it and release it. Know it... and believe it!