Blind Spot part 4
Everybody has blind spots. Either things that they feel justified in doing--even though they are not the right things to do--or people that they let get away with murder because "That's just how they are." We all have those things and people that we just can't see correctly. That's why Jesus spoke of making those who could see... blind. And making the blind to see. Look at Galatians 3:22, "But the scripture hath concluded all under sin, that the pormise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe." Jesus leveled the playing field. He took the "power" out of religious hands. He kicked the money changers' tables over because they has set themselves above the regular folk. And that's not ok. Let me say it like this, "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). We're all in this together. Is what I'm trying to say. Nobody is higher, or lower, than anybody else. We're all in this together. I'm gonna keep saying it. But being in this together doesn't mean we have to be ok with everything that everybody says or does. Boundaries are a good thing. Turning the other cheek isn't about standing there and letting someone slap you over and over again. Its simply about not retaliating when someone does slap you. The hard part is, if someone's in your blind spot, you might not even realize you're getting slapped. You think control, and manipulation, and abuse... is love. Because that's all you've ever known. Maybe your not "blind" to it, but you've accepted it as normal. The problem with that, of course, is that what you allow is what will continue. You have to respect yourself enough to stop people from hurting you. Not by hurting them back. Or punishing them for what they've done. But perhaps simply by excusing yourself from that situation. There's a quote about being the CEO of your own life, hiring and firing and promoting people. Your three t's (time, talent, treasure) are your most valuable assets. How you choose to spend them defines, in large part, how your life will go. What you feed is what will grow. What you give your attention to is what becomes important in your life. So what I'm saying is, everybody has blind spots. But once the light shines, and you begin to see clearly, that's when you have to choose what's ok for you and what's not. Paul said, "All things are lawful, but not all things are expedient." Basically, "I can do anything, but that doesn't mean I should." Not everything is good for you. Not every BODY is good for you. And its up to you to make sure that you're, in a sense, protecting yourself. I truly believe that God does NOT want us to put, or keep, ourselves in a bad situation. Yes we go through things. But the key there is going THROUGH them. Not staying stuck in them. You are not stuck. You don't have to stay where you are just because its where you are. What's that other quote? Don't cling to a mistake just because you spent a long time making it. God allows U-turns. When you've been blinded, and then had your eyes TRULY opened, you can see the right path. The straight and narrow path that leads to life. And then its just a matte of walking by faith (true sight). Trusting your gut. Following your heart. Letting love guide the way!