Caring part 4

01/29/2018 19:49

I always think its really cool when someone hits me up. Especially, like, just to check on me. Because that means they were thinking about me, and actually did something about it. Because a lot of the time it seems like we have a good idea (good intentions) but we never take that next step and put it into action. Which is what charity is--love in action. And, really, that's what LOVE is. Love isn't just an idea. It is an act. And not a random act of kindness either. But a deliberate act of kindness. Knowing and believing the love of Christ (filling yourself to overflowing with what you've already been filled with), and letting what's inside come out. And here's the key: Its all about caring about people. Really getting in there. Getting to know someone. Seeing a need--understanding a need--and filling that need. Because we all need love. That's easy. But we all receive love in different ways. We all give love in different ways. So if I'm trying to give you love in a way that you can't receive it... that's really not super helpful. But if I understand your love language (to borrow a phrase) then I can put in the maximum effort that love is in order to speak your language. And when someone is willing to do that--because they actually care--it SHOWS that they actually care. What I think I'm trying to say tonight is that while our kind of standard "feed the poor" idea of love IS good, and valid, there's another level we can reach when we roll up our sleeves and take the time to get to know somebody. It seems like a lot of the time we get people gifts that WE would want, instead of getting them something THEY would want. Its a common mistake. We just "naturally" (that old, dead, beast nature) think about ourselves first and foremost. Even to the point where we've almost twisted "the golden rule" to mean doing unto others SO THAT they will do unto us. Where we think "I want them to do this, this, and this... so I guess I have to do this, this, and this to them." But love is NEVER about getting. Because love IS giving. You can give without loving, right? But you can't love without giving. And the best kind of love is the kind that shows that you care. Doing something for someone else that is really FOR someone else. Something that THEY would appreciate. Giving what you've got, but giving it in a way that it can be easy received by whomever its intended for. That was the whole point behind the Word Without Walls ministry. That's the whole point behind the Guerrilla Gospel videos. My heart is make the Word of God--the LOVE of God--accessible. To give y'all something to chew on, but not choke on. Minced meat. I'm not trying to go so deep that you can't hold your breath and get down to where I'm at. I'm trying to make it simple. God is love. He loves you. You can cast your cares on Him because He cares for you. And once YOUR cares are out of the way, you can help someone else out with HIS cares. You can help bear other people's burdens because yours aren't too heavy. You can show someone you care. Hit them ask. See how they're doing. You can love... because you know that you ARE loved. Because you know that you are LOVE. And I truly believe we spell love "T-I-M-E." When you give your time to someone... that's so valuable. That, more than just about anything else, is the best way to show you care!