Cherish part 4
Let's back up a verse from our key verse. Ephesians 5:28, "So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself." Then we see, "For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church" (Ephesians 5:29). I think this is so key, so important to our "Christian walk." Because it seems that a lot of the time we are too busy trying to protect ourselves that we inadvertantly end up hurting people. Remember we've been talking about not taking people for granted, but nourishing and cherishing them? Well, according to Paul, "...He that loveth his wife loveth himself." I Ranted (and preached) on this idea before. We guard our hearts by making sure they are open, not by closing them down. We love ourselves by loving others. That's why I always say the best way to FEEL love is to GIVE love. It's the difference between being self-centered (trying to take care of ourselves at the expense of others) and being Christ-centered (doing unto the least of them and knowing that we are doing unto the Lord). I heard it described like this, "Some people, when you meet them, let you know how great they are. Some people let you know how great YOU are." That's the difference between a little man trying to look bigger by putting other people down (and really just hurting himself in the process), and someone who knows exactly who he is and doesn't need to prove it to anybody. Somebody trying to climb over others... or somebody willing to lay His life down FOR others. "...even as the Lord the church." In order to take care of ourselves we have to take care of others. Because when we take care of ourselves it comes with a selfish attitude. And then even if you get what you (think you) want, it's no good. It's like begging. If you have to beg for something, even if you get it it's not worth it. I'll tell you: Anytime I buy something for myself I feel a little bit "ugh" about it. But anytime I buy something for my son, Logan, I feel great about it. Probably because it's more blessed to give than receive. Probably because by loving him I'm actually loving myself. Filling myself to overflowing with the love I've been filled with. Receiving it and releasing it. Receiving it BY releasing it. We're all one body. All connected. What happens to one of us happens to all of us. That's why we should rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep. It's about sharing. And sharing is about more than just material goods. More than just stuff. It's about sharing EXPERIENCES. Letting people know, "You're not alone. I'll never leave you nor forsake you." AND, if you've already gone through what they're going through... that's the perfect opportunity to help them through it! To bear one another's burdens. To love them as if they are your own body. Because they ARE your own body. There's only ONE body! The body of Christ! And while we are all different parts, and while different parts connect in different ways, we're all connected through that unbreakable bond of love. We're all the same brood, which is what "cherisheth" means. We can foster one another, give warmth to one another, and lift one another up. In effect lifting OURSELVES up (although that's just a happy by-product, not the goal). The goal is to share what we've got. To love one another as Jesus loves us. In fact, that's not just the goal, it's the New Commandment. It's what we were put here to do. It's our EPIC Destiny. Our Eternal Purpose In Christ. Love, and nourish, and cherish one another!