Communication part 1
They say communication is the key to any relationship, right? Well, let's spend some time talking about that. Communicating about that. And before we even get into any memory verses I want to throw this out there: Communication isn't just talking. It's always listening. A lot of the time, listening is the most important part. When you pray, it shouldn't just be you smashing your chicklets together and telling God this, that, and the other thing. Now, I'm not saying you shouldn't cast your cares on the Lord. You absolutely should. Because He cares for you. He's there for you. I'm saying... if you're trying to get God involved... you need to listen to what He's saying. Fill yourself up with that Word (which is Jesus, which is love) that the still, small voice of God is speaking to you. Look at Philemon 1:6, "That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus." Man, that's powerful! Acknowledging every good thing WHICH IS IN YOU in Christ Jesus. We need to look inside, guys. That's where we find whatever it is we need. Because that's where we find Jesus. And HE is everything we need. And that best part about it is that finding--and acknowledging--those good things... is what makes the communication of our faith effectual! It's about being a witness. Plain and simple. Experiencing the goodness of God... and then sharing what we've experienced. What we've seen, and heard. Faith comes from hearing, and hearing from the Word of God. The Word (which is Jesus, which is love) that God speaks to us. The Word (which is Jesus, which is love) that He speaks to us with every beat of HIS heart in our chests. I really want to get in to not letting corrupt communication come out of our mouths. Things of that nature. But for the first part of this Rant series I really feel strongly that we need to set that foundation. So that we can build upon it. Because, just as I was trying to point out that standing FOR things is better than standing AGAINST things... the key to not letting corrupt communication come out... is filling our mouths with incorruptible communication. Filling our mouths with the Word of God. His Word to us is, "I love you." So our Word to each other--at all times and in all situations--should be, "I love you." That's the bond that we build our relationships on. And when we build on that bond of love--when we communicate with each other in love--that's when we can enjoy these relationships. And, by the way, communication is not just words. I know I'm kind of harping on that today (and probably for the next few days). But behavior is communication. Actions speak louder than words. Saying you love someone is amazing. But SHOWING someone that you love them... that's so powerful. So remember, you can't give what you don't have. And you can only give what you do have. So you have to know what you have. And the way that we know what we have is by looking inside and finding Jesus. Receiving and releasing what He has given us. Filling ourselves to overflowing with what we've already been filled with. Listening to what God says to us, and then saying it to each other!