Condemnation part 5

04/05/2021 18:21

I think the worst kind of condemnation is self-inflicted. When you take the lies that the world (and the people in the world) say about you to heart. When you accept the condemnation (again, lies) as truth. Because when you hear something like that in your own voice, or in the voice of someone that you love and trust, that's when it's the hardest to ignore. Even in the face of all evidence to the contrary. That's why it's so important to stand on the Rock--that is the truth, that is God, that is love. That's why it's so important to listen to that still, small voice deep inside that says, "I love you" with every beat of God's heart in your chest. When you know the truth, you can ignore the lie. When you believe the lie... things are bad and getting worse. I talk about, and write about, how Jesus referred to Himself as the Way a lot. And the Life a lot. But there was something else He said there too. "Jesus told him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me."" (John 14:6 NLT). The Way to the Father, the Truth abou the Father, the Life of the Father! And notice that He didn't say anything about afterlife there. Didn't say anything about heaven. Said "No one can come TO THE FATHER except through me." If we want to live as Son(s) we need to understand God as heavenly Father. Sons, not slaves. Saints, not sinners. The difference between the truth and the lie. The difference between life and death. There is no condemnation in Christ because, to God, we are His beloved Son in whom He is well pleased. Condemnation is that adverse judgment, right? Which is what religion would have you believe God gave to Jesus on the cross. "I'm mad and I have to kill someone." But... God and Jesus are One. God killed... Himself... because He was mad at humanity? I never quite understood that line of "thinking." Jesus sacrified Himself in order to bring us out of the death we were already in. In order that death might die. In order for us to experience HIS abundant, everlasting, eternal, Resurrection Life of love by letting HIM live HIS OWN life in us and through us and as us. He laid His life down so that He could take it up again. God's judgment regarding Jesus wasn't a death sentence. It was a LIFE sentence. He raised Jesus (and all of us IN Jesus) back to life. That's the opposite of condemnation. That's a Father who loves His Son(s). That's the ultimate truth of the universe: The Father loveth the Son and hath given all things into His hands. God is love and He loves you. Again--that's the truth. The opposite of condemnation. That's how we experience that abundant, everlasting, eternal, Resurrection Life of God--we believe that He has given it to us, that He is living it in us, and we LET HIM. Rest. Which doesn't mean inactivity, but does mean Holy Spirit directed activity. And what else could the Holy Spirit direct us to do... but love? The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth. The Spirit of love. Leading and guiding us into all truth. Into all love. You are loved. That's the truth. That's God's final word on the subject. And nothing that anybody else has to say on the matter... matters!