Consequences part 4
I want to talk about the wind today. And I'm going to get into something really cool (I think) with it, but first I want to just say, "For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind..." (Hosea 8:7). I've been talking about how every action has a equal reaction. Or consequence. Some good, some bad, depending on what you sow. Because you reap what you sow, right? But I think there's also a snowball effect. And sometimes we don't think about this. Sometimes what we do escalates things. Sometimes a wind becomes a whirlwhind. Sometimes the smallest stone produces the biggest ripple. Sometimes a wind produces a whirlwind. So we need to really count the cost. I think, if anything, that's my mantra for this Rant series. Your actions have consequences. Make sure the juice is worth the squeeze. But now let me show you something that I think is pretty amazing. "And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance" (Acts 2:2-4). The wind is the Holy Ghost. The Holy Spirit! So when you sow the wind, you're really sowing the Spirit! And where the Spirit of the Lord is... there is liberty! A whirlwind of love that comes from the smallest wind of love blowing. And I know that the people in that house were literally speaking different languages... but what about the different languages of love? What about the Holy Spirit--the Spirit of truth that leads and guides us into all truth--teaching us how to speak to each other as we need to be spoken to? What about the Spirit giving us utterance by showing us how to love each other? Showing us how our fellow man needs to be loved--because not everybody receives love in the same way. That's how the Spirit leads us. He leads and guides us into the truth of love. How we are loved and how we can love each other. There is no bigger, or better, consequence than that which flows from love. And love certainly grows and grows. Love feeds on itself (HIMSELF) and grows. A Holy Ghost wildfire that burns out of control and starts with the smallest spark. A tiny act of love can snowball. A hug can mean all the difference in the world. Making someone feel heard can go such a very long way. I think sometimes people yell (and kick and scream) because they don't think anybody is listening to them. And the only thing they can think to do is escalate. "You can't hear me? I'll be louder." Makes a certain kind of sense. But, like I said, its an easy fix; give them your ear. Give them your full attention. Sow the wind. The wind of the Spirit. And then when YOU reap the whirlwind, you'll be GIVING the whirlwind. You'll be helping people see God by helping them see love. Showing them who God is by showing them what (WHO) love is. Sowing love has the best consequence ever. Because when you sow love you reap love. When you give it away... you experience it. You feel happy when you make others happy. You feel love... when you love!