Content part 3

11/29/2015 14:32

It's a journey, this never-ending, abundant, eternal, everlasting, Resurrection Life. And if you're content--with what you've got and who you are--then it's an enjoyable journey. It's fun. It's exciting. When you know that Daddy cares for you, you can cast your cares on Him. You can live above all of the "stuff." And you should, because it's all under your feet anyway. Like Peter, when he stepped out of the boat, we have the Word of God to walk on. To stand on. To build on. And, again, that's the trickiest part of this whole thing. Apprehending what we've been apprehended of. Knowing we are perfect, and complete, in Him (because He is perfect, and complete in us) but not always feeling like it. It's the idea of BEING transformed (into what we've already been transformed into) by the renewing of our mind. Not by anything that we DO--salvation is by grace through faith and not works--but by what Jesus DID. Knowing it and believing it. Trusting that the cross was enough. On the cross we were CONFORMED into the image of the Son of God. Conformed into the image that we were originally made in. And as we let ourselves BE transformed by the renewing of our mind--as we look into the mirror with an unveiled face and see the glory of God and BE changed into that same image from glory to glory--it can feel like we're changing. When really we are simply manifesting the change that took place. We know we are the Son(s) of God. But until He reveals Himself to us, and in us, and through us, we don't really understand what we know. So what I'm saying is: in the meantime... be content. Stop trying so hard to be someone you're not and accept who you are. Embrace who you are. It's not until you embrace yourself that you'll be able to embrace anyone else. It's not until you let God love you that you'll be able to love anyone else. It's a gift, and it must be received. And the best way to receive it is to release it. To stop chasing it and start sharing it. I think the happiest people are the people who spend their three T's (Time, Talent, and Treasure) making other people happy. And listen--I know that can wear you out. I'm not naive. Especially if you're expecting others to treat you the way you treat them. If you're expecting them to return the favor. Listen, in my opinion, expectations are simply a setup for disappointment. Because you can't make people do what you want. People are going to do what they do. And you if you're trying to get something from someone then a couple of things are true: A. That's not love. Love is giving, not getting. B. You're not content. If you're trying to get something then you're not ok with what you've got. Which, since we know that Jesus did it all so we could get it all, since we know that we have it all, is kind of silly. Let me say it like this: Life goes on whether you're happy or sad. So why not be happy? Why not be ok with what you've got and who you are? Even as you learn and grow. Learning who you are and what you've got allows you to experience it. To partake of the Divine Nature. To truly live!