Conventional Wisdom part 2
Sometimes the things we accept as true... aren't true. Or let me say it another way: Truth is higher than fact. The fact of the matter may be that you've "failed." But the truth of the matter is... you are not a failure. You are not defined by what you do. You are defined by what's inside. Because the truth of the matter is, what's inside WILL come out. Or rather, what you believe is inside will come out. And that's why its so important to know what's inside. To know it and believe it. What you do flows from what you believe. So when we're talking about this idea of wisdom... well... let me quote my memory verse for today. "Since God in his wisdom saw to it that the world would never know him through human wisdom, he has used our foolish preaching to save those who believe" (1 Corinthians 1:21 NLT). We need to get intimately familar with the SIMPLICITY of Christ. With the ultimate truth of the universe. And I know this might seem a little bit foolish, but to me its this simple: God is love and He loves you. That's the gospel. The good news. The Way, the Truth, and the Life. The way to God is love. The truth about God is love. The life of God is a life of love. Living and loving. That's what life is, because to live is to love and love is to live. Conventional wisdom says whoever dies with the most toys wins. That's what the world has to offer. The rat race. But when you win the rat race (if you CAN actually win it... its more of a hampster wheel that just goes around and around in circles) all you get is the prize of being king rat. And, really, who wants that? That is not the desire of the heart. Love comes from the heart. So what else could the desire of the heart be but love? To be loved. And to love others. Relationship. That's what Jesus brought. Not religion. When Jesus was confronted with religion He kicked tables over. Tore down the whole system. He didn't want us to be separate from our Creator. God was in Christ on the cross reconciling us to Himself. Getting rid of the idea of separation. Even though that was the conventional wisdom of the time. And, unfortunately, it is still the conventional wisdom at this time in a lot of place. What we need is a little more foolishness. Wise men say only fools rush in, right? But that's what love is all about a lot of times. Not necessarily rushing into circumstances we don't understand or shouldn't be a part of, but not holding back either. What the world needs now (and what the world always has and always will need) is love, sweet love. And that's what we have. So that's what we can do. That's what's inside, so that's what comes out when we know it and believe it. So stop complicating things. Don't wait to "feel lead." I'll tell you right now: God wants you to love people. All people. All of the time. And, remember, you don't have to try to do more than you can do. But you don't need to be stingy with what you've got, either. We are blessed to be a blessing. We are positioned and qualified to make a difference in the lives of those around us. Remember when we looked at humiliating ourselves in order to love people? Not being too full of pride in order to do what is needed? That flies in the face of conventional wisdom. But I think we need more of that kind of foolish love in the world.