Conversion part 2

01/12/2021 17:32

The title of this Rant series refers to the fact that I don't have any interest in converting people to my way of believing. That's not my job. That's not my calling. That's not something I have any interest in. Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, these things are so important. Especially in this day and age. So you can say what you want. You can believe what you want. And I'm ok with it. If I don't like what you're saying... my choice is to stop listening. If you don't believe the same thing I do... no problem. We don't have to argue about it, because I'm not trying to convince you that I'm right and you're wrong. In fact, I WON'T argue about it. I'm not trying to change your mind. If you believe what you believe and you're happy with it... more power to you. In fact, the only times I really put what I believe out there is in these Rants and the podcast and things of that nature. If people don't ask me... I'm ok with not telling them. Which is not to say that I don't SHOW people what I believe. I show people my faith through my works. Through the love that I share. And that's a big difference. Show, don't tell, right? I've said this many times before--some of the best conversations I've ever had about "God" never even came close to talking about religion. Because talking about life, about love, IS talking about God. You don't have to shove Jesus down people's throats. And in fact, when you try to do that all they end up doing is choking on Him. Throwing Him up. Running FROM God instead of TO God. Because a lot of the time we misrepresent Him. We try to scare people straight with that threat of "eternal hellfire." Get right or get left. Shape up or ship out. All of that nonsense. When in reality, God is love. The only way to represent Him... is by loving people. When you love someone, you're showing them God. And, by the way, it is the GOODNESS of God that leads men to repentance. Repentace, of course, being to reconsider in light of new information. We repent when we begin to understand the power of the cross and what the finished work of Christ really means. We stop trying to do things the way we've always done them and we start operating from a place of rest. We stop running around like chickens with their heads cut off and we begin to be still and know that HE is God. Life can get really simple when you just receive and release the love of God. When love is your focus. When you stop trying to change people. It's not your job to make people be anything or do anything. The Holy Spirit is the power that works in us in order to bring what is inside (God's love) out. If the Holy Spirit can't do it, what chance do you have? And, again, it's not your job. Stop trying to be a Spiritual police officer and just let people be who they are. Love people no matter what and see if that doesn't bring positive changes to any and every situation. Rather than trying to force people to be who you think they should be... just love people!