Costly part 5
People are worth spending all you are and all you have on. No, really, they are. Even when it doesn't seem like it. ESPECIALLY when it doesn't seem like it. Think about it... that person you know that is REALLY hard to love... that person that just rubs people the wrong way... that's the person that needs love the most. Because that's the person that isn't getting any love. That's the person that is giving what THEY'VE got. Because you can't give what you don't have and you can only give what you do have. Hurting people hurt people. But loved people love people. And if we--who, through the Holy Spirit, know and believe the love of God--stop judging people and just start loving people... we can change the world. We can show people a more excellent way by showing them Jesus. Showing them love. And notice, I didn't say "preaching about" Jesus. I said SHOW them Jesus. You see Jesus when you look in the mirror, because He lives inside you. Let Him out! And, again, I'm not talking about shoving Jesus down somebody's throat. If you try to do that they'll just choke on Him. They'll run FROM God instead of running TO God. You know the famous quote, "Preach the gospel at all times, and if you have to, use words." Now, as a writer I'd like to take umbrage to that... but I can't. Because actions speak louder than words. So even though most of the time I have words, and lots of them, the Word (Jesus, love) became FLESH and dwelt among us. If you want to know why I think people are so important, look no further. Jesus--literally God... LOVE--wrapped Himself in human flesh. We have it completely backwards when we try to deny this human existence and "be more Spiritual." There IS nothing more Spiritual than this human existence. It's not about going to heaven someday (And, relax, I'm not trying to take that away from you. I believe in "absent from the body, present with the Lord.") it's about EXPERIENCING heaven right NOW! The days of heaven on earth. An abundant life that is filled with love. And there's no better way to experience love than to give it away. To share it. To help someone else experience it. So. We started this Rant series talking about opportunity cost. And why choosing to love someone--to take care of someone else--is costly because it means you can't also take care of yourself. Costly, and scary. But the truth of the matter is... when you take care of someone else you ARE taking care of yourself. Because we are all in this together. We're all different parts of the same body. Listen. Nobody ever went broke by being generous. We are blessed... to be a blessing. We have been given abundance so that we can live out of our abundance. So that the Word (Jesus, love) inside US can become flesh. So that love (as an idea) can become charity (love in action). So that we can release what we've received. Make someone's day. Find that person that's hurting and meet a need. Watch what happens. And tell me that by loving another person you don't feel love incredibly strong. Love IS giving. Don't try to get it, or horde it. Understand that you have it, and give it away! It's costly, sure, but it's worth it. People are worth it. Loving people... is worth it!