Daddy-o part 3

04/23/2015 13:33

The Holy Spirit--the love receptor, the Spirit of Sonship--is what allows us to cry out, "Abba, Father." The Holy Spirit is what leads and guides us into all truth--the truth that the Father loveth the Son and hath given all things into His hands--by testifying of Jesus. Testifying of our true identity, which IS Jesus. The beloved Son of God. God in the flesh. Love in a body. And here's why it's so important that we can call God by His true name of Daddy: "And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof" (Genesis 2:19). Part of dominion on the earth--part of ruling and reigning as kings and priests--is the ability to name things, or call things, or confess things. And whatever we name them, that's their name. What we believe defines our reality. Let me say it like this, "You are not what people call you... you are what you answer to." If you believe you're a "sinner" then that's going to be your reality. If you believe God is a distant, angry taskmaster who is out to get you for the slightest slip up, then that's how you're going to relate to Him. If you think God's out to get you then the only sane thing to do is the very thing that Adam and Eve did for the very same reason in the garden of Eden. They hid from the presence of God. They ran FROM Him instead of running TO Him. Because without the Holy Spirit that relationship of unconditional love between Father and Son seems too good to be true. Without the Holy Spirit it makes sense to have to earn your bread by the sweat of your brow. "Do good and be rewarded, do evil and be punished," makes perfect sense... to the carnal mind. But that's not what God--what Daddy--would have for us. Like any good Father, God yearns to take care of His Son(s). To protect us. To provide for us. And that's exactly why He gave us His Spirit. His Spirit (of Sonship) joined with our spirit, and we were placed as a Son. We were brought into the family business. We were equipped and empowered to rule and reign on this earth. Because that's what the family business is: Kingom business. The love business. But you can't give what you don't have. So unless you can name God as your Father, and name yourself as His Son, you'll always be trying to earn what we freely given FROM Father TO Son! Eternal life is a gift. And eternal life is knowing the Father and the One who He sent. Knowing God in the context of Sonship. Knowing that Daddy loves you. And when you know that love--when you know that you HAVE that love--then you can give it. You can share it. You can receive it and release it!