Disappointment part 3

08/12/2018 18:29

When you, inevitably, get disappointed... what do you do? Do you let one bump in the road ruin the entire journey? That seems to be the go to response. We're so ready, willing, and able to let the smallest things wreck us. Because we're so completely focused on what is going on around us. When really, its what's going on INSIDE us that matters. That's why Jesus asked Peter "What's gotten into you?" when Peter took his eyes off the Lord, saw the wind and the waves all around him, and stopped walking on water and started sinking. The facts of the matter can--and often do--look grim. But when you understand that truth is higher than fact, you can start walking by faith and not by sight. You can start to understand that the fire in you is ALWAYS hotter than the fire you're in. Love is a consuming fire. Love is what we have faith in. Love is what's inside. And when you're full of it--filled to overflowing with what we've already been filled with--there's not room for anything else. When love is bursting out of you, there's no room for disappointment. Let me say it another way: "This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all" (1 John 1:5). And as He is, so are we in this world. Jesus identified Himself as the light of the world. And He also identified US as the light of the world. Its the same light. The same love. And when light shines, there can be no darkness. When God arises, His enemies are scattered. Trust me. Go into a dark room, turn the lights on, and see that you're not in a dark room anymore. What's that old saying? "Tough times don't last, but tough people do." And the key is to let it go. Don't dwell on the problem. Focus on the solution. Don't tell your God how big the storm is. Tell the storm how big your God is. Tell the storm, "Peace, be still." And that do it from a place of being still and knowing that He is God. Knowing that God is love. Do it from a place of peace. Let what's inside come out. Let it FLOW out, naturally. By filling yourself with it. In the midst of your biggest disappoinment... you can draw on the greatest amount of love. Because His strength is made perfect in our weakness. When we can't... He can. And will. A preacher once said it like this, "When you work, God will rest. And when you rest, God will work." So stop trying to be an overcomer--even when you face tribulation. Instead, know and believe that HE has overcome the world, and He did it both for you and as you. Which means you HAVE overcome the world. Which means you can face whatever you're facing. Because your heavenly Father has your back. He can keep you from falling, if you trust in Him. If you let Him. If you look for the love in every situation you'll find it. You won't be disappointed when things don't go your way because you will be confident that things happen for a reason. Now, listen, I did NOT just say God makes people sick. I said things happen for a reason. And, one more song lyric for you, "God gives us mountains so we can learn how to climb." He brought the mountains low and the valleys high so we could walk the straight and narrow path that leads to life. But as long as we make mountains out of molehills we'll always be straining and struggling to get where we're going. So don't let it get into you. Go through it, and keep on going!