Forgiven part 4
I think one of the most important reasons that knowing and believing that we are forgiven comes down to just exactly what the Bible says in Ephesians 4:32, "And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you." Remember we saw yesterday that on the cross Jesus prayed for our forgiveness and God heard and answered that prayer. This is important because we seem to have this idea where we have to ask for forgiveness before it can be given. And we expect others who wrong us to do the same thing. But that's not the case. We never asked God to forgive us. We were too busy running FROM Him to run TO Him. But forgiveness is as much about the person who was wronged as it is about the person who wronged them. I've said this before, but forgiveness is like unlocking a jail cell and then realizing that YOU were the one in prison. Holding onto the grudge, that unforgiveness, will eat you up. But, as I've been trying to say in this whole Rant series, forgiveness is less about avoiding punishment than it is about being freed from bondage. If you haven't forgiven someone you can't be kind to them. Or tenderhearted toward them. There's a wall in between you and them. And here's the thing: They might not even know they've wronged you. They might not even know you're upset, or hurt. Or... they might not even care. In any event, you're only doing MORE damage to yourself by holding on to it. By keeping a grudge. You may have been hurt, but you're hurting yourself more by not forgiving them. My friend always tells me not to let people occupy real estate in my brain. Because I tend to overthink things. I tend to make mountains out of molehills sometimes. Because I have trouble letting things go. I have trouble quitting. I'm stubborn. I TELL people to "let go and let God," but it's not the easiest thing in the world for me to do. But I'll tell you right now: When I DO that... I have peace. Peace that passeth all understanding, as Philippians 4:7 says. The peace of God that keeps our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Peace that comes from BEING forgiven, and from forgiving others. Guys... everybody makes mistakes. Everybody messes up. You, me, and everybody. It's kind of like not trying to get the sliver out of someone else's eye when you have a plank in yours, right? It's kind of like, "Can't we all just get along?" It's kind of like... I AM forgiven, so I can forgive you. I AM loved, so I can love you. I have everything I need, so I can share what I have with you. And that's what this abundant, eternal, everlasting, Resurrection Life is all about. It's all about receiving and releasing. Receiving forgiveness so we can forgive. Receiving mercy so we can give mercy. Receiving love... so we can love. You can't give what you don't have and you can only give what you do have. You have to let go of unforgiveness, and at the same time (in the same manner) release forgiveness!