Fruit part 2
In the beginning, when God created the earth, He put man in a garden. Told man to tend it and keep it. I think that's important. And then, when Jesus rose from the dead, Mary mistook Him (but not really) for the gardener. Because here's the deal: WE are God's garden. He is our gardener. When we are dealing with things, the Divine Order is really for us to just give them to Him. To cast our cares upon Him, because He cares for us. If God wants to add something to your life HE will add it. If God wants to eliminate something from your life HE will do it. He will prune you. Because He is the gardener. My point is, we don't have to try so hard all the time to be what society has decided we "should" be. We don't have to follow a "traditional" path. Not everything is for everybody. It's like that cartoon you see where there are animals lined up--all different kinds--to take a test. And the test is climbing a tree. Some of the animals are going to do well on that test. The monkey for example. Some are not. The elephant is not going to be able to climb that tree. So if we judge everybody by the same standard, we are trying to fit square pegs into round holes. We are disqualifying people because of things that they shouldn't be trying to do in the first place. My point is: We need to let people be who they are instead of trying to make them into OUR image. If we want people to bear fruit, we need to stop crushing their branches. Instead of forcing people to be who they aren't, we need to embrace them for who they are. Not everything is for everybody. If you can't climb a tree... so what? Climbing a tree is not what life is all about for every single person. I guess what I'm trying to say is that you are responsible for tending YOUR OWN garden... by letting the true gardener tend it. By being open to what God has for you. Being open to why He created you... as you. Let me put it this way: I can write. I can't draw a stick figure with a ruler. So if everybody in my life was trying to force me to be an artist... I would have a miserable life. That's not for me. And that's ok. It doesn't have to be. If I'm not meant to draw, but I'm spending my Three T's (Time, Talent, Treasure) on it... then I might be taking the opportunity away from someone who IS meant to draw. And if I'm meant to write, and I'm not doing that, then I'm taking away the writing that was meant to be. Now, let me say this: If you love drawing... do it whether you're "good" at it or not. If it sets your soul on fire... do it. That's not what I'm talking about. WHATEVER is in your heart to do... that's what you should be doing. My point is, I'm not good at drawing, I have no desire to draw, if people try to make me do it, it's just going to be frustrating and a disaster for everybody involved. Stay in your lane. Eat the fruit that tastes good to you. Be who YOU are. And by eating that fruit, you will produce the fruit that YOU are supposed to produce. Only you can reach certain people in certain ways. If you don't, who will? And if you're trying to reach people that aren't for you in ways that aren't for you, then you're just gumming up all the works. You bear the most, best fruit when you be who you were created to be. When you tend to your own garden by letting the true Gardener tend to you. When you receive and release the gift that you've been given. And it doesn't matter what that gift is. If it's writing, drawing, singing, dancing, whatever. Just be who YOU were created to be. Just be who you really are. Which is who you are in Christ. Which is who Christ is in you. When you do that, you can't help but bear fruit. The fruit that the people you are in contact with desperately need!