Fullness part 5

08/04/2018 18:47

When you're full of something, you can't keep it in. No matter how hard you try. That's the principle behind living from the inside-out. And that happens whether you realize it or not. What's inside WILL come out. Or, I should say, what you BELIEVE is inside will come out. It has to. So the key to this whole crazy, mixed up thing called life is to know (and believe) what you're REALLY full of. Because if you think its anything other than love you'll spend (waste) your three T's (time, talent, and treasure) chasing love. Looking for love in all the wrong places. And when you do that, you rob yourself of experiencing the gift you've already been given. AND you rob others of the gift that you are. I mentioned yesterday how love does NOT mean, "I love you, so gimme gimme gimme." But the flip side of that coin is, when you love someone, you give give give. Because that's what love is. And--see if my Logan logic follows on this one--you can't give anything when you're trying to get something. You can't give what you don't have, and you can only give what you do have. And you can't give at all when your focus is on what you don't have. I'm telling you, what's inside comes out. If there is bitterness inside... bitterness comes out. Let me say it like this: Hurt people hurt people. But loved people love people. You can't stop what you believe is inside from coming out. What you believe you're filled with WILL overflow out of you. Naturally. Without even trying. For example, when you're having a bad day you're more likely to snap at people, right? That inner turmoil comes out. Without you even trying. And in the same way, when you're resting in the loving arms of your heavenly Father... that love comes out without you even trying. Naturally. Which makes sense (I'm all about trying to make sense today) when you consider that love IS our new (true) nature. When you understand just how full of it your are. Just how full of God's love you are. God--who is love--lives in you. If you're looking anywhere other than within, you're looking for love in the wrong place. And I'm not saying you can't get love from people. Of course you can. But if you're counting on someone loving you... chances are you're going to get disappointed. Especially if you're counting on big love when they're having a bad day. Right? That's why people seem to be so miserable when they're "in love"... because they're putting their happiness in someone else's hands. And, again, I'm not saying you shouldn't try to make people happy, or let people make you happy. I'm talking about expectations. If you expect someone to make you happy, chances are they're going to let you down. At the very least once in a while. But if you take your happiness into your own hands, so to speak, and focus on what's inside... letting the love inside come out... you will find that making people happy makes you happy! You don't decrease by giving what you've got. You increase what you've got by giving it away. By sharing it. Its a Holy Ghost wildfire that feeds on itself and grows and grows and grows. Consuming everything but itself (HIMSELF) and leaving behind nothing but love. So stop chasing it. Look inside. See what you're really full of and experience the fullness of God's love. The fullness of a life of love!