Greener Grass part 5
Here's a question that I don't think is asked nearly enough: So what if the grass IS greener? Why does what someone else has have anything to do with you? Why are you worried about it? Why do you care? Why make yourself miserable comparing yourself (unfavorably) to anybody or anything else? Our key memory verse again: "Don't envy sinners, but always continue to fear the LORD" (Proverbs 23:17 NLT). And I'm not getting into the "sinners" part right now. If you want to know what I think about that, read my book "The Sin Issue" or listen to my Jesus Rant podcast. Today I'm wrapping up this Rant series with the very simple idea of "Don't envy." And according to the word "envy" means, "a feeling of discontent or covetousness with regard to another's advantages, success, posssessions, etc." Which, again, is the problem with thinking the grass is greener. We always see what someone else has as better. I'm telling you, there are people out there praying to get what YOU have. But when you only focus on what someone else has you miss out on what you have. You rob yourself from experiencing and enjoying what you have by neglecting it. One of--in my opinion--the biggest foundational stones for a Christ-like life is letting the mind of Christ (that's already in you) BE in you. Using what you've got. Appreciating what you've got. Experiencing and enjoying what you've got. And here's the thing, too: If you don't appreciate what you already have, why would anybody entrust you with anything else? You build your kingdom by helping others build theirs. Because it's a kingdom of love. And love is giving. It's never about getting. It's about receiving and releasing. Letting what's already inside come out by knowing and beleiving that it's in there. So what if somebody else's grass looks greener? That has nothing to do with you. Water your own grass. Don't covet. That's literally one of the Ten Commandments. And I'm not going to get into the Ten Commandments of the fulfillment of that Old Covenant that took place on the cross right now either. I'm simply saying, this is a concept we need to understand. If you're worried about what you don't have, you're not enjoying what you do have. The thief in John 10:10... is you. Trying to get into the sheepfold any other way but through the door. Missing out on what you have by neglecting it and only focusing on what you don't have, or what someone else has. Maybe you don't have it (right now) because God knows you can't handle it (right now). Remember that old song? "You can't always get what you want... but if you try sometimes you just might find you get what you need." Rolling Stones, right? Needs are more important than wants. God provides all our needs, according to His riches in glory. If you really think about it, we have no lack because our God has no lack. Seek the Kingdom first. Look at what you have. Explore the height and depth and length and breadth of God's love for you... by loving Him back... by loving people. Let what's inside come out. Naturally. By filling yourself to overflowing with what you've already been filled with. And when your focus is on the love of God--living by loving and loving by living--you won't have the time or inclination to get all fired up about what you don't have or what someone else does. It won't matter to you. You'll be too busy enjoying the gift YOU'VE been given by giving it away. By sharing it. By letting what's inside come out. This life is lived from the inside out. What you believe is inside WILL come out. So make you know and believe the truth (of God's love) so you care share that truth (of God's love) and experience that truth (of God's love)!