Happy Thoughts part 4
God has happy thoughts toward us. Thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give us the expected end that took place on the cross when He gave us His only begotten Son. When He gave us Himself. When He gave us His Spirit. When He gave us His mind. And because He has given us His mind, we not only know His thoughts... we can think His thoughts. By LETTING the mind of Christ, that's already in us, BE in us. By using the gift we've been given. Because its only when you know the truth--that God is love, and He loves you--that you can ignore the lie. Guys, I get it. The lie makes a lot of sense. To the natural mind "Do in order to be" is logical. Because to the natural mind OF COURSE we aren't good enough. Look at this reason why. And this reason why. And this reason why. Listen to what the world says about us. Its easy to believe we're not good enough. And if we believe we're not good enough, its easy to believe that only through hard manual labor could we ever become good enough. But I've always wondered... if you aren't good enough on your own to begin with... could you really climb high enough on your own to become good enough? When man wanted to build a tower and make a name for himself... God didn't really like that. He shut that plan down, no exceptions. Because He had a more excellent way for us. He didn't want us to make a name for OURSELVES. He wanted to give us HIS name. Which, again, happened over 2,000 years ago on an old rugged cross. And, really, it happened before anything happened. Because the Lamb was slain from the foundation of the world. God never had a bad thought towards us. What you think inside is what comes out, right? And what came out of God--when we were dark, and void, and without form--was, "Let there be light." Jesus, the light of the world, was inserted into our lives so that we could see clearly. THINK clearly. So that we could ignore the lie and let the truth set us free and make us free. Jesus is the Lamb of God who took away the sin (unbelief) of the world. By giving us the measure of faith. By giving us something (someONE, Himself, LOVE) to believe in. So that we wouldn't have to keep thinking doom and gloom. So that we could set our affection on things above, and not on things on the earth. So that we could magnify LOVE instead of magnifying our problems and making mountains out of molehills. So that we could live a life of rest instead of struggling with the lie that says we're not good enough. Here's a happy thought: You are exactly who you're supposed to be. God created you specifically. And He created you specifically... YOU. Here's another happy thought, you don't have to be someone you're not. Ever. If the qualification for something is for you to be someone you're not... that's not the right thing for you. And thank God for that. Because no matter how hard you try you will ALWAYS be who you are. You might be able to fake it a little bit, for a little while, but what's inside--what you BELIEVE is inside--WILL come out. What you magnify IS what will manifest. So you can either believe the world's report, and be miserable, or you can believe the Word of God--which is love, love, and more love--and be happy!