Heart Knowledge part 2

12/03/2017 19:42

The heart wants what it wants. But so many times we don't follow our hearts. Because it doesn't "make sense" to our heads. That's that constant struggle between fact and truth. What the world is screaming at us (at the top of its lungs) vs what the Word of the Lord is speaking to us (in that still, small voice deep inside). We have already been given everything we could ever need. But that doesn't "make sense" so we try to earn something we think we haven't got. But that's the thing about a gift: It can't be earned. And by trying to earn it we end up robbing ourselves. Because if you're trying to get something you've already got, because you're convinced that you haven't got it, then you sure aren't experiencing it. We experience the gift we've been given by giving it away. By sharing it. By receiving it and releasing it. And that's the key right there. Because love is never about getting. Because love IS giving. So when I say, "the heart wants what it wants" you need to understand that the heart doesn't want to get anything. I can't tell you how many times in my life I say, "I don't want anything from you." And how many times that STUNS the people I say it to. Because if your mindset is, "I need to get something," you probably also think everybody else is out to get something. That whole, "an eye for an eye" mindset. That whole, "I'll scratch your back so that you scratch mine." And, listen, I get it. You can't give what you don't have. And you can only give what you do have. If you think you don't have anything, you'll try to get something. If you have lack, you'll give lack. So, again, when I say the heart wants what it wants... what the heart REALLY wants is to give. To give itself. That's why my personal defiintion of love is giving everything you have and everything you are without worrying about what comes next. Because remember how I said it stuns people when you don't try to get anything from them? It knocks their socks off when you give them something for nothing. It seems too good to be true. It seems like there must be an ulterior motive. But guys, love does not HAVE a motive. Love IS the motive. Do what you do because its in your heart to do it. That's what heart knowledge is all about; knowing what you've got and giving what you've got. The head might say, "Don't cross oceans for people that won't jump a puddle for you." But the heart says, "It doesn't matter what THEY do. Do what YOU can do. Cross the ocean. Go the extra mile. Because that's what love IS." Unconditional love means its for everybody. All of the time. No matter what. God showed His love for us when we were sinners. When we had nothing to offer. Because He didn't want anything FROM us. He wanted everything FOR us. He wanted the best for us, so He gave the best to us. He gave us His only begotten Son. So that we might not perish, but have everlasting life. An abundant, everlasting, eternal, Resurrection Life of love! That's the gift of God. That's what we have. And what the heart wants to do is share that life with everybody it comes into contact with. It wants to give. Because it has something worth giving. It has what everybody wants. The desire of the heart is love. And love is giving. The heart desires to give away what it's got. LOVE!