Ignition part 1
It seems like we're always waiting for something. Always waiting for God to move. We never want to do anything ourselves, but we want to God to do everything for us. And then we end up blaming God when things go wrong. I've heard the question so many times, "How could a good God do this?" Or, "How could a good God let that happen?" Or, on the flip side, we blame the devil for everything. "The devil made me do it." Or, "The devil's really fighting me." The key seems to be that either way we don't want (or take) any responsiblity. We're waiting. It's not us. It's... fill in the blank. And listen, there WAS a time when waiting was appropriate. In fact, up until the cross that was one of the best things anybody could do. Because before the cross waiting for a move of God was appropriate. But then the cross happened. God moved. And when He moved... He moved INTO us! We don't need a move of God. We need a revelation of Jesus. Jesus--and the finished work of the cross--IS the move of God that everybody was waiting for. Now, because of the cross, we don't have to wait anymore. We have been equipped and empowered to rule and reign as kings and priests on the earth. Let me say it another way, "'I'm baptizing you here in the river, turning your old life in for a kingdom life. The real action comes next: The main character in this drama--compared to him I'm a mere stagehand--will ignite the kingdom life within you, a fire within you, the Holy Spirit within you, changing you from the inside out'" (Matthew 3:11 MSG). Logan, at three, understands the rules of a race. You wait until the starter says, "Gentlemen, start your engines!" Then you rev it up. Then the race starts and you put the pedal to the metal! I guess what I'm trying to say is... stop waiting for what has already happened to happen! In our verse in Matthew, John the Baptist was telling the people 2,000 years ago what was about to immediately come to pass. And I love how the Message Bible puts it. Instead of saying Jesus would baptize us with fire it says Jesus will ignite the kingdom life (a fire) within us! Jesus is the driver who started the engine! He lives in and through and as us. He ran the race. He won the war to end all wars. He finished the work. We don't have to wait anymore... for anything. The only part of this finished work that SEEMS unfinished is the Holy Spirit changing us from the inside out. Because while in once sense He already HAS changed us, in another sense it is a life-long journey of "changing." Or rather, of discovering the change that took place. What really happens isn't that we change more and more. What really happens is that the change comes out more and more! It manifests more and more. That's what's so glorious about this abundant, everlasting, eternal, Resurrection Life; it isn't something to "get." It's something we have. It isn't something to earn. It was freely given when Jesus laid His life down both for us and as us (and when He picked His life back up both for us and as us). It's here. It's now. It's available. Stop waiting and start your engines!