In part 3
Let me drop my memory verse right at the top and then dive into it. "At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you" (John 14:20). Its knowing who we are in. Who is in us. That's the key. Knowing and believing. The truth is the truth no matter what. Always has been. Always will be. And the truth HAS set us free. But it is only in the knowing and believing of the truth that we can experience that freedom. Knowing that we are in God because He is in us. We are in love because love is in us! Remember, God is love. Its all about love. Remember, to live is to love and to love is to live. No love, no life. Know love, know life! What you know is what you do. When you know better, you can do better. Revelation. The uncovering of the hidden truth. At that day, right? What day? The New Day. The day when we received the Holy Spirit. The love receptor. And I say "received" because it was given to all of humanity when Jesus ascended. He went "up" and the Holy Spirit came "down" if I can say it that way. He left us the Comforter. So that we might know (and believe) that we are who God says we are. So that we can stop trying to be someone we're not and just be who we are. I speak quite frequently about "living" Jesus' life by letting HIM live it in us, and through us, and as us. Nobody can live Jesus' life except Jesus. We aren't supposed to try to mimic Him. But when we understand that He is in the Father, and we are in Him, and He is in us... then we can begin to experience His life. We can let what's inside come out, by knowing and believing that its in there. We can let the love that's inside come out. Not by faking it until we make it, but simply by filling ourselves up to overflowing with what we've already been filled with. What's in you WILL come out--or, more accurately, what you BELIEVE is in you will come out. It has to. Its too big to stay inside. So knowing what's REALLY in there ALLOWS it to come out. Naturally. Living from the inside out. Letting what's inside come out. That's what this life is all about. That's what this life is for. What's in you coming out as you know WHO is in you. Who you are in. I think tomorrow I'm going to focus on Jesus asking one of His disciples "What's gotten into you?" Because that's such an important question. Its kind of the idea of checking yourself before wrecking yourself. But I'll leave that for tomorrow. For tonight I want to just focus on the glorious truth that there is no separation between us and God. No separation between us and love. Love is in us and we are in love. And because its in us (because we're in it) it can come out of us. You can't give what you don't have. And you can only give what you do have. That's why its so important to KNOW (and believe) what you do have. Letting the Holy Spirit--the Spirit of Truth--lead and guide us into all truth is the key to the Kingdom. Letting the love inside come out by knowing and believing that its in there. Letting Jesus live His life of love in you, and through you, and as you by doing things because they are in your heart to do it!