In part 4

06/14/2019 20:12

What got into you? That's such an important question. Because so many times in our lives we let things get into us. We go through things, yes. In this world there WILL be tribulation. But we don't have to let things go through us. Let me quote my passage of Scripture, "He said, "Come ahead." Jumping out of the boat, Peter walked on the water to Jesus. But when he looked down at the waves churning beneath his feet, he lost his nerve and started to sink. He cried, "Master, save me!" Jesus didn't hesitate. He reached down and grabbed his hand. Then he said, "Faint-heat, what got into you?"" (Matthew 14:29-31 MSG). And we can see that the fear got into Peter. He replaced--in a sense--his faith in Jesus with faith (or unbelief, or sin) in his circumstances. Because I believe when Peter walked "on water" he was really walking on the Word of God. Jesus said, "Come." It wasn't the water, it was Jesus saying, "You'll be ok." And as long as Peter had his eyes on Jesus, as long as the Word of the Lord was the only thing he was focused on, all was well. The waves were churning beneath his feet the whole time. But it wasn't until he looked at them that he lost his nerve. Things are always going to be going on all around us. But if you notice, the waves were under his feet. He was above it all when he was in Christ, if I can say it that way. We WILL have tribulation. But we can be of good cheer because Jesus already overcame the world. And He's in us. And we're in Him. If we know what's in us--Jesus, God, love--then we don't have to let anything get into us. Now before I go too far I want to say one thing real quick: When Peter stumbled... Jesus didn't condemn him. He reached out, grabbed him, and helped him back up. Which is to say, we can always--ALWAYS--run to God. Even in the midst of our mistakes. Especially in the midst of our mistakes. I think we'd make a lot less mistakes if we included God (love) in the whole process, but what I'm trying to say is He's not some petty, petulant child who refuses to play if He isn't picked first. God is there for us. All the time. He lives IN us. And while I think God is too much of a gentleman to force His will or His ways on us, I also believe that those who call on His name will be saved. And I'm not talking about being saved from some eternal hell. I'm talking about, "I'm in hell right now and I need help!" I was walking, but now I'm drowning. "Well, you should have just believed harder." That's what religious folk would have you believe. When in fact, Jesus just reached down and pulled Peter up out of his mess. "Faint-heart, what got into you?" He wasn't necessarily happy that Peter stumbled, but instead of punishing him, or judging him, or condemning him... Jesus just helped him up. Jesus always helps us up. He HOLDS us up. So that we don't HAVE to stumble and fall. We don't have to let things get into us. Even as we go through things. We can learn and grow instead of letting things wreck us. Maturity is a process. Love will carry us through!