It's About part 5
I just want to point people to God. To love. To Jesus. To God in the flesh. Love in a body. God in OUR flesh. Love in OUR body. And that love in our bodies coming out. Because that's what it's about. It's about living and loving. Which, really, are the same thing. It's about receiving and releasing. Letting God love us, and then loving Him back by loving each other. That's what this life is for. That's why we were created. I like the line, "Preach the gospel at all times, and if you have to... use words." Because actions speak louder than words. I can talk about Jesus all day long without even saying the word "Jesus." Because when you talk about love you are talking about God. Because God IS love. You don't have to be all religious in order to be "Christian." Look at John 13:35, "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another." We are proved by our love. I'd rather somebody say, "Tom's a nice guy. He really loves people," than "Tom's a Christian." Because, to be honest, at this point being a "Christian" almost comes with a somewhat negative connotation. People hear the word, "Christian" and they think "judgmental," "hypocritical," "mean." And unfortunate as that is, we've brought it upon ourselves. By being those things. By being on a sin hunt rather than a righteousness hunt. By telling people what's wrong with them instead of telling people what's right with them. We've totally and completely lost what it's all about. We've gotten it so mixed up that it doesn't even resemble what it's supposed to be anymore. It's supposed to be about God loving us and us loving Him back by loving each other. Period. That's how people will know that we are disciples of Jesus. Students of love. Learning how to love by learning how we are loved. Letting God love the hell out of us and loving the hell out of each other. Receiving and releasing. Letting the love inside of us fill us to overflowing and come out of us. Naturally. Because it's too good and too big to keep to ourselves. Because we have what everybody needs. So we ought to share what we've got. We ought to give it away. Experience and enjoy the gift we've been given by giving it away. It's about love. Like the Beatles said, "All you need is love." Love is what makes the world go 'round. Love is what makes life worthwhile. Relationships. Connections. So when I say, "It's not about you," what I mean is... it's about US. All of us. Together. Working together. Helping each other. Seeing a need and (if at all possible) meeting it. Me doing my part and you doing your part. And if that happens everything will get done. Because I can't do everything. But if I do what I CAN do then I've done my part. Just do your job. Stay in your lane. Stop trying to be someone you're not and just be who you are. Do those things that you were made to do. And do them heartily--do them to the best of your ability because they are in your heart to do them. Let love guide the way. Let what's inside come out. That, friends, is what it's about!