Know It All part 2

12/13/2014 13:44

There's a huge difference between what you KNOW and what you UNDERSTAND. It's the difference between head knowledge and heart knoweldge. It's the difference between knowing ABOUT God, and KNOWING God. It's when what's true--and always has been true, and always will be true--becomes true for you. It's the manifestation of the truth as we know it and believe it. And therein--knowing and BELIEVING--is the rub. Because you can't believe something you don't know. So first things first faith comes from hearing, and hearing from the Word of God. But in order to believe what you know it really all comes down to trust. Trusting that there IS a more excellent way and that His name is Jesus. Because we all want what's best. The Apostle Paul said, "For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church" (Ephesians 5:29). Self-preservation is a very strong motivation. That's why Adam and Eve hid themselves from the presence of God in the garden of Eden; they thought God was mad at them and they didn't want to get in trouble. But see... you can't believe everything you think. Your mind can play tricks on you. Or you can listen to the wrong voice and end up believing a lie. That's why the Holy Spirit is so important. He leads and guides us into all truth. We have an unction from Him and we know all things. The still, small voice of God now speaks from inside us. Speaks from our heart. The deep calling out to the deep. And when we listen to THAT voice--the voice of truth--and, more importantly, when we BELIEVE that voice... that's when we can run TO God instead of running FROM God. That's when self-preservation shifts into us letting Daddy preserve us. That's when we begin to understand everything we know. We KNOW Daddy loves us, but until we LET Him love us we don't really understand what that means. That was the difference between Adam--who was the son of God--and Jesus--who was the BELOVED Son of God. God loves them both. He loves everybody all the time. He IS love. But Adam thought he had to earn Daddy's love, and Jesus allowed Himself to be loved, not because of what He did, but because of who He is. Knowing we are God's beloved Son in whom He is well pleased... knowing that the Father loveth the Son and hath given all things into His hand... none of that really matters until we understand what it means that He loves us and is well pleased with us. Until we understand what it means that He has given all things into our hands. It's not the truth that sets you free. It's the truth you KNOW that MAKES you free. It's knowing all things and understanding what we know. It's trusting Him because He has proven Himself trustworthy. Having faith in Him because He has proven Himself faithful. It's all about love. Receiving the love of the Father and then releasing that love. Knowing it and understanding it and experiencing it and enjoying it.