Knowledge is Power part 5

04/15/2017 18:19

Knowing is half the battle. Believing is the other half. Because you can't believe something you don't know, and because faith without works is dead. What you do absolutely one hundred percent flows from what you believe. If you say you believe something, but don't act on that belief, then you don't REALLY believe it. Faith prompts you to move. That's why we WALK by faith, not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). Let me say it another way, what you see is what you be. When you look in the mirror you either see what's on the outside, or what's on the inside. And if all you see is your natural face, then all you will see are the blemishes on that face. All of the surface stuff. All of the times you've messed up. And you'll let those failures define you. How many times have we heard (or said, or felt), "I can't believe I did that. I'm such a bad person!" Well, here's the straight truth: What you do doesn't define you. What you believe defines you. And when you KNOW the truth about who you really are (who you are in Christ, which is who Christ is in you) then you'll be able to fall seven times and get up every time. You'll be able to understand that when you mess up, you're still the righteousness of God in Christ. Mistakes don't disqualify you. And with that knowledge comes power. Because at that point you won't be AFRAID to mess up. I'm of the opinion that nothing great ever came from a comfort zone. I'm of the opinion that you HAVE to go out on a limb sometimes, because that's where the fruit is. And if you're free--remember now, where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty--when you're free to make mistakes instead of just staying in that comfort zone, that's when you can start to walk in your calling. So many times in the Bible we see God telling people to do things that (in the natural) they are convinced they aren't capable of doing. Noah... build an ark. Abraham and Sarah... have a baby at almost 100 years old. Oh, you're a coward? I'm going to make you a great man of war. Because it's not about what you THINK. It's about what God KNOWS. Look at 1 Samuel 16:7, "But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart." Its not what's on the outside. Its what's on the inside that matters. The inner man. The hidden man of the heart. And when you know--with a knowledge that passes knowledge--what's inside... what's in the heart (LOVE) then it will come out. Because you will be able to believe it. Because God will love you so much that if (HE) will fill you to overflowing. Guys... its not about ability. Its about availability. Its about what WHO YOU ARE. And who you are... is love. Because you ARE loved. Knowing that you are loved equips and empowers you to love. Faith comes from hearing. And hearing from the Word of God. Which is Jesus. Which is love. So I guess what I'm saying is... if you know it, throw it. Tell someone you love them. Because then THEY'LL know it, and then THEY'LL be able to throw it. And that's how the ever-expanding Kingdom of God continues to ever-expand. And that's powerful.