Life of Service part 5

11/01/2020 19:52

Let's start with our memory verse and then dig into it. "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service" (Romans 12:1). A life of service isn't meant to be more than you can handle. It is your REASONABLE service. We always talk about how God never requires something that He doesn't first supply. How there was grass for cows to eat before there were ever cows. How there was a Savior before there were ever sinners. We love because He first loved us. We love by receiving the love He has given us and releasing it to those that we come into contact with. Which, by the way, is HOW we present our bodies unto God as a living sacrifice. The New Commandment for the New amn is to love one another as Jesus loves us. To receive and release the love of God. That is our calling. That is our purpose. That is our EPIC (Eternal Purpose In Christ) destiny. That's why we were created. It's all about love. Serving people is loving people. Giving them what they need (which is different that giving them what they want. Just because someone wants something doesn't mean it is good for them. Just because someone wants something doesn't mean they should have it, or you should give it to them). Seeing a need and meeting it is the purest, most simple way to love someone. If they need to talk, give them an ear to hear. If they need a hug, give them your arms. The little things ARE the big things. It's reasonable. It's staying in your lane. Doing what you can do. Doing what you were created to do. Because it's in your heart to do it. I honestly believe if people listened to their heart more things would be better all around. God's Word--which is Jesus, which is love--is a lamp unto our feet and our light unto our path. Following your heart can never lead you wrong or astray. Doing things heartily--to the best of your ability, because it's in your heart to do it--is the best motivation you can have. Doing what you do because you love people (because God loves you) is the best reason to do what you do. And, one more time, it's reasonable. It's not a hardship. Loving people IS serving them. Love is giving. Giving yourself. Laying your life down for your friends. Destroying your enemies by making them your friends. That's the more excellent way. That's what Jesus showed us when He got down on His hands and knees and washed His disciples' feet. He showed us what it meant to be a servant. To be a friend. To love someone. Everything Jesus did, He did because of love. Even when Jesus wanted to get away from everything and just talk to His dad... when the people needed Him... He was there for them. He always put people first. Because He loved them. And He is still doing that because He loves us. He puts us first so we can put each other first. So we can esteem others higher than ourselves. And, like I always say, being humble isn't thinking less of yourself. It is simply thinking of yourself less. Knowing that God has you covered, and because you are already covered, you can cover someone else. Knowing that no matter what happens, the fire in you is always hotter than the fire you're in. Knowing that the fire in you is the Holy Ghost wildfire of love that feeds on itself and grows and grows until love is covering everything and everybody. Love feeds on love. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. Only taking care of each other. Only serving each other. Only loving each other.