Love and Fear part 5

11/11/2015 10:27

I started this Rant series with the idea that there were two forces at work: Love and fear. But really that's only accurate to the point that you believe in fear. Only accurate to the point that you LET IT be accuracte. Because God is all-powerful. LOVE is all-powerful. And that doesn't mean "most powerful." That doesn't mean He has the most power but something else has some power. No, it means He has ALL of the power. Perfect love doesn't struggle with fear. It casts out fear. I'm convinced that one of the biggest things that holds us back from receiving and manifesting everything that's available to us is this idea of duality. Good vs evil. Love vs fear. The Truth vs the lie. We act and operate as if there is a struggle going on and the outcome is in doubt. Guys... it is finished. On the cross we were translated out of the power of darkness and into the Kingdom of God's dear Son. The lie was defeated when the Truth was made plain. The light of the world shined ON us, and He shined IN us, and now He shines THROUGH us. Jesus won the war to end all wars. Which means (by definition) there are no more wars. The fight the New Testament talks about is the good fight of FAITH. Laying hold of eternal life. Not earning it, because it is a gift and cannot be earned, but laying hold of it. Receiving it and releasing it. Receiving it BY releasing it. Not trying to get somthing because we're afraid we don't have anything. And not trying to keep something to ourselves because we're afraid if we give what we've got we'll lose what we've got. Let me equate this to rest--which is NOT inactivity, being afraid to step out and walk in faith, but is simply Holy Spirit directed activity. If you're tormenting yourself, stressing yourself out, worrying about everything under the sun, it's hard to get a good night's sleep. Hard to rest. But if you know the Truth, the Truth sets you free and makes you free. Free to live that abundant, everlasting, eternal, Resurrection Life by letting Jesus live it in you, and through you, and as you! Love is fearless. Love is natural. It's the most natural thing in the world. Human nature is not the selfish beast nature, it is the selfless love nature. That's what God gave us when He gave us His Son. When Jesus gave His life for us, and gave His life TO us. He gave us His Spirit. His nature. He gave us the love receptor, so we could know the truth--the Daddy loves us, always has and always will--and so we could partake of His Divine Nature and His life of love! Nothing else matters. Nothing else has any power. We don't have to listen to the lie, when we know and believe the truth. When we are planted on the Rock, we cannot be shaken. What I'm trying to say is... fear has no power. So you don't have to be afraid. Love has all the power. So when we talk about being seated at the right hand (the power position) of God in Christ Jesus, we're talking about being strong in the Lord and the power of His might. We're talking about the joy of the Lord being our strength. Talking about... love! Not about punishing our "enemies" but about destroying our enemies by making them our friends. Loving people not in order to get something, but because we have something. That's what REAL love is. Perfect love. And perfect love casts out (casted out) all fear! It's not a battle, or a struggle. Love wins. Love WON. And now we are equipped and empowered to follow the New Commandment by recieving and releasing that love!