Love Letter part 3

04/19/2018 20:09

When God had something to say He said, "Let there be light." He gave His Son--the light of the world--into His dark and void creation. And He did it in order to fill that void. He did it so that we could see clearly. So that we could see Him clearly--as loving heavenly Father--and see ourselves clearly--as His beloved Son in whom He is well pleased. He took us out of that darkness of thinking, "I'm just a sinner. Nobody could ever love me." And He brought us into the light of the truth. The ultimate truth of the universe that says God is love and He loves you. Always has and always will. No matter who you are, what you've done, or what you're going to do. Because love is unconditional. If it has conditions, its not love. If its about getting instead of giving, its not love. And since God wrote His Word (Jesus, love) on our hearts... not only are we LOVED, but we ARE LOVE. Love is not just what God does. Love is who God is. And as He is, so are we in this world. In Him we live, and move, and have our being. And in us HE lives, and moves, and has His being! So while it is vitally important that we read the love letter that we are, it is equally important that we share that love letter with everyone we come into contact with. Receiving and releasing. Receiving BY releasing! Filling ourselves to overflowing with the love that He has filled us with, and letting it come out naturally as we love each other with that same love. That's the whole point of the whole thing. That's why we were created. God--who, again, IS love--wanted to express Himself. So He made you, and me. So that He could love us. Because, as the old saying goes, it takes two to tango. Love needs something (or in this case someONE) to love. Otherwise its just an idea, and not charity. I love the idea of charity. Love in action. Putting your money where your mouth is, if I can say it that way. Not just talking about God's love, but actually sharing it. Actually laying your life down for your friends. Actually giving everything you have and everything you are. Gladly. With no care for how the people you love treat you. I'll say it one more time: If you're doing it for the reaction--in order to GET something--its not love. God didn't write, "I'll love you in the hopes that you'll love me back." God wrote, "I love you." When we were yet sinners, and had nothing of value to offer Him, He gave us everything. He gave us His Son. His Spirit. Himself. Jesus didn't just die FOR us, He died AS us. He didn't just give His life FOR us, He gave His life TO us. Because He wanted us to have it, and there was no way for us to earn it. You can't earn a gift. And that's what Jesus' abundant, everlasting, eternal, Resurrection Life of love is; it is the gift of God. It can't be earned, but it must be received and released. And we receive it BY releasing it. We experience it by giving it away. We are God's love letter to humanity. Read by all men. When people see you, they have their best chance of seeing God. Because you see God when you see love. And we, that know and believe that we have that love, are the ones who MUST give it away. We are the ones who can share this glorious Word. This glorious God. This glorious love!