Manifestation part 1

11/02/2016 15:30

I want to work on this idea for a while, because I think it's important. Ready? The truth is true. Period. Now I know that sounds like a, "Duh!" moment. But it always seems like we're trying to MAKE the truth true. Like we have this idea of how things are "supposed" to be, and when they aren't that way we lose our minds. "Why do bad things happen to good people?" if I can say it that way. When the real question is, "Why are you judging things according to appearance? Why are you still dealing with good and evil?" The tree of knowledge of good and evil doesn't even exist in New Jerusalem. It is the fig tree that Jesus cursed because it wouldn't (couldn't) bear any fruit. And yet we get so worked up about it. We want things to be "good" not "bad" (or evil). What we don't seem to understand is that good and evil were both on the SAME tree! There's another whole tree we're supposed to be eating from. The Tree of Life. And not only do we eat of it... we ARE it. He is the vine, and we are the branches, right? We don't produce the fruit--He did that when He finished the work on the cross--we simply bear it. We simply give it to those who need it (and, by the way, those who need it... is everybody). So in THAT way it "seems" like we are MAKING the truth true. When in reality--and this is my point for this Rant series, this is what I really want to hit home--we aren't making anything happen at all. We are simply uncovering the truth. We are simply letting what's already true manifest in our lives. Because, again, the truth is true. All of the time. Forever. Whether you know it or not. Whether you believe it or not. "...let God be true, but every man a liar" (Romans 3:4). Right? The truth doesn't change. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. So we don't need to MAKE anything change. We don't need to MAKE anything happen. And that's a really good thing, because we CAN'T. All we can do is KNOW the truth, and LET the truth set us free and make us free. Now catch this: We already ARE free. That's the truth. But if you don't know you're free you'll keep acting like a slave. It's the picture of us being in a prison cell, right? And Jesus comes by like a thief in the night and unlocks the door. Now we're free. But so many times we stay right where we were. Or, like the people of Israel, we reject our freedom. We think things were better where we where. We're AFRAID of our freedom. I think to some degree people LIKE to be told what to do. It's easier. Safer. That's why there are so many more followers than leaders. But we know who our leader is. Jesus leads from the inside. He doesn't expect us to follow in His foot steps. Nobody can live Jesus' life except Jesus. Instead, He lives IN us. He makes His foot steps with OUR feet. He speaks with OUR mouths. He loves us, and He loves in us, and through us, and as us. He LIVES in us, and through us, and as us. That's the truth. He's in there. The inner man. The hidden man of the heart. The trick is getting what's inside to come out. The trick is manifestation. But here's the key: What you feed is what grows. What you magnify is what manifests!