Manifested part 3

01/14/2020 20:04

Love manifests in your life when you give away the love that you have. When what's inside (what's REALLY inside... which is the love of God) comes out. That's the whole deal with receiving and releasing. God fills us up with His love and then we fill ourselves up to overflowing with what we've already been filled with. We let what's inside come out, naturally, by knowing and believing that it's in there. Knowing and believing that we have what we need to have and we are who we need to be. Because when you know you have what you need... you can stop chasing it. When you know that you are who you need to be... you can stop trying to be someone you're not. What you feed is what will grow. And what you starve is what will fade away. You don't always need to fight against the darkness. You can simply shine the light and watch the darkness flee. I always use the example of when you need to go to the bathroom. I think we've all been there. Well, the more you think about the act of going to the bathroom--even in the sense of "I don't need to go, I don't need to go, I don't need to go" you're still focusing on the wrong thing. Because you're still focusing on the bathroom. It is dominating your thoughts. You're giving it power, even when you're trying to render it powerless. What's that old saying? Don't tell your God how big the storm is, tell the storm how big your God is. Make sure you're focusing on the right thing. Make sure you have set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. SET your affection. Make a conscious choice to focus on what's really important. And I've long said the only (or at the very least the most) important things in this world are God and people. Loving God and loving people. Loving God BY loving people. And I usually qualify this by saying that, yes, taking care of our planet is important. It's the only one we've got. Animals are important. But if you can only do one thing... love somebody. That, to me, is as simple as I can make it. If you don't know what to do... do what you know. Love. Let God love the hell out of you and love Him back by loving the hell out of the people in your road. God's love is manifested in you when you manifest it in yourself. If I can say it that way. When you let what's really inside come out. Because whatever you believe is inside WILL come out. It has to. Whatever it is, it is too big and too powerful to stay in there. It has to come out. Better to know that it is God's love and let it out than hold on to bitterness and hurt and try to bottle it up until it explodes. That's no good. We need to be able to release those negative things in a positive way. We need to be able to magnify the good--the GOD... the LOVE--in our lives so that it will manifest in our lives. Love feeds on love and grows and grows into a Holy Ghost wildfire. We just need to be the spark. We just need to take that first step. Walk by faith and not by sight. But you can't walk by faith without... walking. You have to let the idea of love be the action of charity. Let what's inside come out. Prove (and this is where I think I'm going to pick it up tomorrow) God's love for you by loving Him back by loving people!