Max Effort part 1
Not too long ago I did a Rant series called, "Maximum Effort." And, truth be told, I don't think I really liked it too much. I think I knew what I was trying to say, but I don't think I necessarily communicated it very well. What I was trying to say--and what I plan on trying to say in this very similar Rant series--is that love is the maximum effort you can give someone. Now, it is true that you have to give max effort in order to love. Love is giving. Giving everything you have and everything you are. That is the definition of love. Jesus said there's no greater love that a man can have than to give his life for his friends. And then Jesus went to the cross and did just that. He put His money where His mouth was. He didn't just TELL us what love is. He SHOWED us what love is. Because seeing is believing. And its easy to say any old thing. But then to back it up with actions? That means something. Jesus literally gave it all. He gave His life FOR us, and He gave His life TO us. Because we needed it. And because He wanted us to have it. That's what love is. That's WHO love is. Love does what is necessary. I think (I hope) that's what we saw in my uber-series about Colossians 3:12. Love isn't afraid to humilate Himself. He doesn't toot His own horn, He lets His actions speak for themselves. He is useful. He takes a lot of "stuff" and still stands strong. He doesn't give up as soon as things get hard. He endures. He knows that He has (He IS) what people need. Whether they know it or not. And He knows that its worth it to give Himself to people. In whatever way they need Him. Again, I don't think you need to put yourself in, or stay in, a bad situation. I'm simply saying that if you see a need that you can meet... do it. I remember one time in my life I was able to do something really big for some people that I loved. Something that they didn't expect. Something that allowed them to make a once in a lifetime memory. I was able to do it... so I did it. And I'm not tooting my own horn. I'm not going to tell you what I did or who I did it for. I know, and they know, and that's enough. My point is... sometimes love is a big bold gesture. And that's fine. That's great. That's life changing. But sometimes love is just simply being there for someone. Giving them a shoulder to cry on. Giving them an ear so they can get something off their chest. Commiserating with someone can be just as powerful as a grand gift. Because when you let someone who is feeling like they're alone, when you let them know that they're NOT alone... that can be life changing too. That small thing can be the biggest thing that ever happens to them. What's that old saying? Everybody is fighting a battle you know nothing about, so be kind. Random acts of kindness can be exactly what someone needs. You're not called to change THE world, but when you love someone, chances are you'll change THEIR world. When you make that effort to be there, to support, to edify, to build up someone... that's important. That's the real stuff. And it can be difficult sometimes. Because sometimes even if you have what someone needs, they aren't ready for it. They don't know, or accept, that they need it. So sometimes you have to do it little by little. Baby steps. Sometimes it takes max effort to do something "small." But sometimes small is all someone can take. That's ok. As long as its love, its exactly what it needs to be!