MOH part 5

08/23/2016 15:55

In a sense, you get what you give. Because by giving what you've got... you experience it. You feel love, by loving others. You "get" happy, by Making Others Happy. Let me say it like this, "But Jesus replied, "I have a kind of food you know nothing about" (John 4:32 NLT). And then He explained Himself two verses later, "Then Jesus explained: "My nourishment comes from doing the will of God, who sent me, and from finishing his work." See, we think it's all about GETTING, when in fact it's all about GIVING. Love IS giving. To live is to love and to love is to live. And to love is to GIVE. So life isn't about what you can get. It's about giving what you've got. Giving all that you are. Sharing with others. And I'm telling you, there's nothing more satisfying than--nothing that will give you more pleasure--than making someone else happy. That's the will of God. Loving others. That's what satisfies us. That's what nourishes us. We are blessed to be a blessing, right? So by sharing who we are and what we've got we truly BE who we are and we truly EXPERIENCE what we've got! It's about the connection that love brings. The connection that love IS. Love is the glue that holds everything together. We hold it together by giving it away. By knowing that what we have is too good, and too big, to keep to ourselves. It's the difference between being self-centered and being Christ-centered. It's loving God BY loving people. Because in order to be Christ-centered we have to be people centered. Jesus said the greatest love a man can have is to lay His life down for His friends. God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. God wanted the best for us, so He gave the best TO us. Jesus wanted us to have His life so He gave it for us, and He gave it to us. And we partake of this Divine Nature by letting what's inside come out. By knowing (and believing) that we are filled to overflowing with the very thing we desire. The very thing we need the most is our nature! Not the old man, carnal, beast nature. But the love nature that God gave to us when He filled us with His Spirit. When He cut away the flesh from our hearts to reveal HIS heart beating in our chests. When He showed us who we really are by showing us who He really us. He showed us who we are, and He showed us why we're here. We are here to be loved, and to love one another. To receive and release the love of God. To love one another as Jesus love us. I've kind of been focusing on the quote, "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." And my conclusion is that we pursue our own happiness by Making Others Happy. We focus outward with what is inward. The outpouring of the indwelling Spirit. We give what we've got and in that way we experience what we've got. We focus on others and then we don't have to worry about ourselves. We seek the Kingdom and everything else is added to us. We BE happy by Making Others Happy!