One Accord part 5
Let's end this Rant series where we started it. Philippians 2:2, "Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of on accord, of one mind." One mind. One accord. One love. The SAME love. The love of Christ. Filling ourselves (and each other) to overflowing with what we've been filled with. Letting what's inside come out. Letting the LOVE that's inside come out. Because that, in a Word, is what God has filled us with. That is what we have. Which means that is what we have to give. And when we do that--when we share the gift of God that we've been given--we fulfil God's joy. We manifest His joy. We bring His joy out of the realm of just an idea and into the realm of reality. I know that sometimes it can feel like love is hard. Sometimes we feel like we are loving, and loving, and loving... giving everything we have without getting anything back. Shouting into the void. Or pouring ourselves into a black hole. Whatever picture works best for you. But the thing of it is... love is giving. It's not getting. If you're trying to get something, you're not loving. Period. We don't give in order to get. We give because of what we have. We literally give what we have. The Divine Order of things is God filling us up with His love--His Spirit, His Son, Himself--and then us giving Him back His love by giving it to each other. Receiving and releasing His love. Obeying the New Commandment. Which says, "Love one another as Jesus has loved you." Let Him love you--let Him give you something--and then give what you've got. That's how we experience this abundant, everlasting, eternal, Resurrection Life of love--we share the gift we've been given. That's how we line up with each other: I line up with God (with love), and you line up with God (with love), and then we automatically line up with each other. And, in truth, that's really the only way we can line up with each other. Because we all have differences. Nobody is exactly like anybody else. And that's ok. That's what makes things interesting. Variety is the spice of life. In order for very different people (or even similar people) to be likeminded means we all have to let the mind of Christ (that's already in us) BE in us. We have to use the mind of Christ that we've been given. We have to know the thoughts that God thinks of us so that we can think those thoughts of each other. We need to know how God sees us, so we can see each other. When God looks at us He sees Jesus. And when God looks at Jesus He sees us. So when we look at God we should see Jesus. God in the flesh. Love in a body. God in our flesh. Love in our body. And when we look at each other we should see Jesus. The light in my should be able to link up with the light in you. Because that's where the conneciton takes place. That's how we build those relationships. That's how we fulil His joy, be likeminded, and experience this life of love! It's all about love. Breathing it in and breathing it out. Letting God love the hell out of us and loving Him back by loving each other. Making that strong threefold cord that is not easily broken--you, me, and Jesus!