People part 5

05/14/2016 11:27

I just can't think of anything that's more important than people. And when I think about it, I can't think of one person being more important than another. And, listen, I have my favorites (my son and my little sister to name a few). But what I mean is, since I can't do everything... since I literally can't help every person on the earth... instead of feeling bad about that and condemning myself... what I oughta do is just focus on those that I CAN help. Focus on those that God HAS put in my path. Because they are just as important as anyone else. And since I already have a connection with them, I can affect them even more than I can affect a stranger. And I'm not saying we shouldn't help strangers if we're able. Talk about changing someone's whole world... a gift from a stranger will do that big time. I'm simply saying if you pour your life into someone, that's a life well-lived. If you can really get in there and equip and empower someone to be the best they can be... then you've really done something. But it seems like instead of focusing on people (specifically the people already in our lives) we'd rather focus on anything and everything else. We'd rather build walls than bridges. We'd rather make sure we know where everyone stands--so that we can either agree, or argue. We seem to do our best to always be at odds with someone. Drawing lines in the sand and making sure nobody crosses our line. I've Ranted on this before--the only way to truly guard your heart is by keeping it open to love. When we forget about people and focus on anything else, that's when things get really twisted. That's when people (who are probably already hurt) get hurt even worse. We knock others down to make ourselves feel bigger and better and stronger. We might "win" but if it comes at the expense of another person, aren't we really losing? Because we're all in this together. Believe it or not. We have to share this world we've been given. That's why all of creation is groaning, and waiting for the manifestation of the Son(s) of God. Because when the Jesus in us fills us to overflowing and comes out of us... that's when everything reveals itself to be in Divine Order. That's when things start making sense. I can't tell you how many times I've gotten into an argument with someone, and then after the fact--usually IMMEDIATELY after the fact--I felt horrible. My tummy hurt. And that's my litmus test: If something hurts my tummy I don't do it. Call it trusting your gut. Call it following your heart. And making someone else "lose" or feel bad doesn't pas the test. I'd rather be kind than right. I'd rather have a friend than win an argument. Because what good is it to always be right and always be alone? "For what shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" (Mark 8:36). I just think there are two important things in this universe: God and people. Loving God and loving people. Loving God BY loving people. Putting people first. Even above your own self. Because people are worth it. If ANYTHING is worth your time, talent, and treasure... it's people. God loves us so much that He would literally rather die than be without us. And we are commanded to love one another as He loves us. To receive and release the love of the Father. To be known as His disciples by the love we have one to another. Not by how "right" we are all the time. But by how much we love people!