Perspective part 4

10/01/2016 14:44

A New Man sees things differently. Because He has found grace in the eyes of the Lord. His doves' eyes have transformed Him into a dove. No longer does he let external factors dictate His reality. Because now He can see clearly. He can see beyond the surface stuff. No longer looking AT people--and judging them, and defining them according to what they do--but now looking INTO people and seeing what's deep inside. Seeing the heart. Look at 1 Chronicles 28:9 in the NLT, "And Solomon, my son, learn to know the God of your ancestors intimately. Worship and serve him with your whole heart and a willing mind. For the LORD sees every heart and knows every plan and thought. If you seek him, you will find him. But if you forsake him, he will reject you forever." I don't want to focus on the forsaking and rejecting part, except to say that God swore He would never leave you nor forsake you. That's the New Covenant that we're in. What I want to focus on is the truth that God sees every HEART. He knows every plan and thought. And I know that sometimes we get what we think is a good idea and it falls apart in the execution. "It's the thought that counts" right? Because people make mistakes. Our actions don't always accomplish what they wish we would. In fact, oftentimes our actions produce the opposite result. We get caught up in the moment. We react to what's happening around us. We don't turn the other cheek, but give an eye for an eye. Because from our perspective, "You try to hurt me, I'm gonna hurt you!" That's what makes sense to the carnal mind. And that's why we need to repent. Something has happened that allows us--equips and empowers us--to think differently. To understand that most of the time people are not AGAINST us. They are FOR themselves. And if we get hurt that's just unavoidable collateral damage. And if we change our perspective--be transformed by the renewing of our mind instead of conforming to the world--we can break the cycle. We can show people a more excellent way. Heap coals of fire on their heads in order to melt their hearts. Destroy our enemies by making them our friends. We can give them what WE have, instead of taking what they have and giving it right back. If someone hurts you because they're looking for love in all the wrong places... what better opportunity is there to show them where love is found? You talk about opening someone's eyes. "But why are you loving me, when I just did you wrong?" Because love isn't about what you do. It's about who you are, and who your heavenly Father is. "I'm loving you because I'm loved. Period. I have what you need and I'm more than willing to share it. Because it's too good to keep to myself." That's a new perspective. Not, "I'll scratch your back IF you scratch mine." But, "If you're itchy... I got your back." Not trying to get anything, but sharing what we've got. And in sharing it--in giving it away--we truly experience it. Because it is more blessed to give than to receive. We HAVE received--through the Holy Spirit--and because of that we have something to give. Something that everybody needs. Love.