Preaching part 3
This is one that I like: "And they departed, and went through the towns, preaching the gospel, and healing every where" (Luke 9:6). And I like it because it, to me, kind of gives a qualifier to the gospel we should be preaching. If what you are saying isn't healing people--physically, mentally, emotionally--it probably isn't the gospel. I really DON'T like this idea we seem to have created that says we should slam people, and try to crush them under our thumb, and make them into robots created in OUR image... and then we call that "tough love." We seem to forget that love doesn't keep a record of rights and wrongs. So this list that we like to make--and check twice--in order to make sure we know what people have done (or not done) to (or for) us... so that we can treat them accordingly... guys. That's not love. Love is turning the other cheek. Love is giving people what you've got no matter what they give you. Glady spending all you have and all you are and not worrying about how it's received. And, listen, that doesn't mean you don't use wisdom when you're loving people. Building those connections and relationships so that you know HOW to love someone in the most effective way. Preach the gospel at all times, and if you have to... use words. Love people the way THEY need to be loved. Healing everywhere you go. Remember Acts 3:5-6 when Peter and John found the lame man? "And he gave heed unto them, expecting to receive something of them. Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk." See, it doesn't matter so much what we have. It matters what we do with what we have. It matters that you give what you have. Do what you can do. And make sure that what you're doing is helping and not hurting. Make sure that you're healing people. If someone is lame, don't just throw a few coins at their feet. Give them what they REALLY need. And I'm not talking only specifically about physical lameness. I'm talking about any kind of problem. Emotional problems. Anger. Bitterness. Resentfulness. We can help people with those things too. By, number one, not taking them personally. Even if it is personal. By letting people feel what they feel. Listen, you can't fix every problem someone has. You just can't. No matter how much you might want to. But you CAN help people no matter what. When you use that wisdom. That connection. That relationship. When you do the work, and put in the effort in order to find out what they need. Sometimes it's just someone to talk to. Sometimes it's a shoulder to cry on. You can find out what kind of "preaching" will do the most healing just by getting to know the person. Everybody loves in different ways and everybody receives love in different ways. Healing everywhere you go, by preaching the gospel, means tailoring your message to your audience, if I can say it that way. There are some people in my life that I can drop a memory verse on and it will really help them. There are some people who would rather have a hug. Again, that's wisdom. That's knowing HOW to preach. HOW to connect with people. HOW to love them. So that it is effective...!