Preaching part 5
Preaching is about more than just memorizing Bible verses. And as someone who has a hard time memorizing Bible verses, I can say that's a good thing. But preaching is also about more than just cramming Jesus down people's throats. If you do that, people will choke on Him. And that's not what we want. In fact, if that's what we want, we need to want something else. The poing of preaching is to show and tell what God has done for us. And in us. And through us. And as us. To let people know what this life is all about. Which, in a word, is love. How do people know that God loves them? Well, we all like to say, "Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so." Which I don't have a problem with. Truly. I think that's absolutely what you should get out of the Bible. In fact, I think that's the only thing you should get out of the Bible. But what about people who don't have a Bible? The only God they will get is from other people, right? Which, by the way, is really kind of the whole point. Jesus is God in the flesh. Love in the body. God in OUR flesh. Love in OUR body. It is our "job" or our "responsibililty" or our "calling" to be a witness. To share our experience. Preaching isn't about scaring people. And it isn't about convincing God to move. On the cross... God moved. He did what He needed to do. He did everything He is going to do. And I say that because what He did on the cross reverberates throughout all time and space and history. It is the biggest thing that has ever happened. And it took care of everything that ever needed to happen. Preaching the gospel is sharing the good news of God, and His love. And the only way to do that is by loving people. The only way to truly express God's love... is to love people. That's the New Commandment. That's what we were created to do. God and people. Loving God and loving people. Loving God by loving people. Letting God love us, and loving Him back by loving people. Preach the gospel at all times... and if you have to, use words. That's what this life is about. It's about being loved and loving others with that love. It's about filling ourselves to overflowing with what we've already been filled with--the love of God. So preaching is less about being religious and forcing people to act the way you think they should, and it is more about just letting what's really in there (again, the love of God) come out. Letting your light shine. Letting your life be an epistle read of all men. Because people are going to read your book either way. Might as well give them something worth reading. A more excellent way. I like to say it like this, "You are God's love letter to the world." You are how the God who is love chooses to express Himself. You are the face of the invisible God. His Spirit lives in you, and LOVES in you. I think some of the best preaching I've ever done is when I haven't said the words "God," or "Jesus" at all. Because sometimes those words will turn people off. But love never turns people off. True, sacrificial, agape, laying your life down love is what everybody needs. So if you give that to people... that's what you were created to do. That's why you're here. To be loved by God and to love others with that same love!