Purpose part 1
I think a question people ask--especially when they begin to really take this "God" thing seriously--is, "What's my purpose?" Why am I here? What's this life for? And I wrote an entire book about this very subject. Its called EPIC (Eternal Purpose In Christ). Spoiler alert: Our purpose is to be loved, and to love. That's it. That's as simple as I can make it. Its all about love. The New Commandment is to love one another as Jesus loves us. To receive and release His love. To fill ourselves to overflowing with what we've been filled with. To let what's inside (the love of God) come out by knowing and believing that its in there. But for this Rant series I want to kind of look at different aspects of this Eternal Purpose In Christ. I want to look at different... factors, if I can say it that way, in our EPIC destiny. And I want to start with Romans 8:28, "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose." I like this verse. I actually hear it quite a bit. Because the idea that even when things look bad, they are really working for good... that's powerful. That's a way to stay strong even when things, well, look bad. A way to see the bigger picture. For example: If you lose your job, that might look like a bad thing. But if your job was killing you, and now you can find a new (better) job... things work together for good. And I want to point out the "to them that love God" part. Because I think some people think loving God means being as religious as possible. Even to the point of throwing people over. "I can't help you. I have to go to chruch." Well, what's the point of going to church if it doesn't fill you up SO THAT you can help people? Going to church isn't as important as BEING the church. Taking that love of God with you wherever you go and giving it to those that you come in contact with. That's what church is all about. And if you're doing what you do heartily--to the best of your ability, because its in your heart to do it--you're ensuring that things will work out. Maybe not exactly the way you think they should, because God KNOWS best even when you THINK you have it all figured out, but love never fails. Because love endures. I always says, "Things work out in the end. If it hasn't worked out yet, it isn't the end yet. " Love can see the big picture. Because love isn't in a hurry. And love doesn't demand its (HIS) own way. Love can let things play out. Our purpose is not to hammer things into the shape we think they should be in. Our purpose is to lay our lives down for each other. To give what we've got. To see a need and meet it. To make ourselves available. I always tell people, "I've got your back." Because I do. But having said that, I don't go around forcing myself or my opinion on people. Unasked for advice is unwanted advice. But people know I'm there for them. If you ask me to help, and I at all can, I will. Our purpose is to be who we are and give what we've got. And when we do, we can enjoy God's grand scheme. We can be a part of the big picture, instead of letting every little thing wreck us. We can endure. We can... love!