Resting part 5
If you're anything like me, you probably feel like you could use a break. The old Kit-Kat bar commercial, right? Gimme a break? Because, if you're anything like me, you go hard. Getting from the beginning of the day to the end of the day is exhausting. And I really like that idea of a Kit-Kat break. A little "me" time with some chocolate. Some days, that's all that gets me through. But what I want to talk about tonight--what I want to end this Rant series on--is the idea of cultivating a lifestyle of rest. Which, as always, don't mean inactivity. No Holy Ghost couch potatoes here. It simply means Holy Spirit directed activity. And the only activity the Holy Spirit--the Spirit of truth that leads and guides us into all truth... the truth that God is love and He loves you--the only activity the Holy Spirit will ever guide you to is love. Loving people is what life is all about. Because to live is to love and to love is to live. You can't have one without the other and you can't do one without the other. They aren't just connected. They are the same thing. I know it's popular to say things like, "Build a life you don't need a vacation from." I see a lot of famous people talking about how bizarre it is that people work five days so that they can have two days off. But here's the deal: You have to work. Even Paul himself wrote about how if you don't work you don't eat. There's a lot of grind involved. Doing what you've got to do. So I can see the value in taking a break once in a while. Getting that (in my case) chocolate. Doing little things to keep yourself going. I think that's important. But I also conceed that there's a more excellent way. Not being rich enough to NOT have a five day a week job and then telling people they shouldn't do such a thing. But just resting WHILE you're working, if I can say it that way. Having an attitude, and a posture, of rest. Doing what you do to the best of your ability--working hard, maximum effort--but not banging your head against the wall either. Letting things go and letting things flow. Not getting too upset when things don't go your own way. Feeling what you feel, but not letting it control you. Like me with my writing--I don't just half-@$$ it. I put my heart and soul into it. And while you might think that would take a lot out of me, it actually puts a lot into me. It fills me up. Makes me feel like... me. When I'm writing, I don't feel like I need a break. I don't feel like I need to get away. Maybe someday that WILL be my 9-5 job. Who knows? But what I'm trying to say tonight is, even when things aren't exactly the way you want them to be... you don't have to struggle. You can still rest. When I'm at my "actual" job... I do it heartily. I do the best I can. And it doesn't fill me up the same way writing does, but I know I'm making it easier on myself. Because I'm not fighting it. I'm flowing with it. I'm being ME no matter what. Taking care of business from a posture of rest. Working for the weekend, but enjoying the ride as much as possible in the meantime. Giving it all you've got, but making sure you let love fill you up at the same time!